Flower Essence and Star Sign Guide for 2021
Yay, it's time for my most popular blog of the year! 2021 is now the 4th year where I have collaborated with renowned astrologist, Jenny Blume, to give you the astrological forecast for the year as well as which flower essences will serve you best in 2021.
As well as being an astrologist, Jenny is a Feng Shui and Clearing practitioner and if you have heard of her name before, she is also the astrologist for Woman's Day magazine. I love working with Jenny to work out what energetic support each star sign might need for the coming year and with all that can unfold in a year for ourselves and our kids, having some energetic support on hand to navigate our emotions can be pretty handy don't you think?
The Star Sign and Flower Essence Guide for 2021!
Please note that other flower essence blends might feel more suited to you than the ones I have included for your star sign so just use whatever you think is right for you. These ones below that I have matched to your 2021 forecast are aimed to help with what the year has in store for you both energetically and emotionally. You can click on the blend name to read more about what it can do for you and if you get three or more blends you will benefit from my pack discount too. 😊

Capricorn December 23 – January 20
Themes: Financial security, personal values
Mood lifters: Arts and crafts, quirky people, walking
Feel that spring in your step? As serious Saturn farewells your sign, your renewed zest for life should be clear to all. You're up for fresh challenges, and with Jupiter stimulating your cash zone, Lady Luck is on your side. From May, your community-minded side may be hard to suppress; a talent for coaching or fundraising might even arise. Dive on in!
Mind and Body
~ Rules and routines are flying out the window! Your activity levels (and enthusiasm!) should rise markedly from May, and by midyear your overhaul should hit full swing. June’s uncertain sky could prompt a rethink, but new health strategies (and supplements) might work a treat. As your mojo returns, it’s time to touch base with neglected friends, dust off your dancing shoes and kick up those heels.
~ Your grounded nature responds best to earthy, tasty food. Being a creature of habit, you’ll always want veggies, meat, rice and pasta as your staples, but change can be as good as a holiday. To boost calcium levels, include plenty of cheese, almonds and fish in your diet.
Flower Essence Blends for Capricorn
Mojo Because it sounds like you need your mojo this year!
Energy To help you keep up with everything!
Cleanse So nothing can hold you back!
Aquarius January 21 – February 19
Themes: Finding your voice, exploring options
Mood lifters: Image overhauls, quiet getaways
‘Show your true colours’, as Cindy Lauper would say. As optimistic Jupiter settles into your sign, your confidence (and your profile) should soar. New ventures stand a great chance of success, but don’t let Saturn turn you into a worry-wart. If you’re ready to step outside of that comfort zone and reinvent yourself, this is the year. Just remember, bigger isn’t always better!
Mind and Body
~ Discipline. Drive. Determination. Woohoo, 2021’s go-getter stars tick all the boxes, just try to balance your hard work with plenty of play – and exercise. Mid-April could spur you into serious action, while October might bring a well-deserved trip away. If you can’t get away, revisit a pastime that gets the blood pumping!
~ As your interests expand, you’ll view people through fresh eyes; for some, a friend or colleague might even become a lover. For singles, the June 10 eclipse might leave you spoilt for choice! July should bring a flurry of reunions and social events, while for couples a shared passion or pastime or passion could rekindle the flame.
Flower Essence Blends for Aquarius
Truth: To support you as you find your true voice and start using it more
Focus: To help support you with your discipline, drive and determination!
Slow Down: To help decrease any worry-wart type of thinking
Pisces February 20 – March 20
Themes: Finding your calling, learning new skills
Mood lifters: Music, meditation, hypnosis
If life’s taken on a slightly surreal vibe, 2021 should leave you with a fresh sense of clarity and purpose. Intriguing new paths will be illuminated through late autumn, so open your eyes and let yourself ponder the possibilities. As Jupiter shifts into your sign (from mid-May until July 29), your surging confidence should attract attention, not just socially, but professionally as well. You’ll be in high demand!
Mind and Body
~ Feeling flat? Tweak your diet in early January, then look into chilled out pursuits like yoga, swimming and bush walking. From August, shared fitness kicks might be more your style, or a group getaway could open your eyes to new ways of living. If sensitives or headaches have flared, reassess chemicals around your home or go organic. Neptune transits tend to heighten the senses, which has it’s pros and cons! Purposeful activities should bring out your best in 2021, especially if local clubs or charities are involved.
~ Your sensitive system responds well to light foods such as stir-fries, salads and Asian-style soups. Fish (either fresh or tinned) and lean meat are also great, but steer clear of fatty cuts. Many Pisceans suffer from allergies, especially in childhood, so where possible, go chemical free.
Flower Essence Blends for Pisces
Grounding: To help you feel more stable and centred
Protect To assist your sensitive empath nature
Cleanse To help emotionally support your eliminative channels

Aries March 21 - April 20
Themes: Goal setting, group pursuits, finding yourself
Mood lifters: Hanging out with friends, yoga classes and retreats
After a stressful (and frustrating!) year, 2021 should feel like a breath of fresh air. New friends or colleagues might change your life, so don’t let sentimental feelings hold you back – get out there and circulate (at least when you can!). And let yourself dream, for by next summer a long-held goal could become a reality.
Mind and Body
~ Don’t get angry, get active. Better still, join forces with an group or upgrade your home gym. From June, head outdoors (or out of town!) and most importantly, keep it fun. Singles, if you’re looking for love, consider joining a mixed team. If you’ve always wondered about yoga or meditation, this might be the year!
~ Staying active should help to burn off some of that pent-up energy (much to the relief of your loved ones); if you’re finding it hard to stay motivated, join a team or revisit a sport that you loved as a child. Anything too slow will lose you, so choose activities that get the heart pumping. Power yoga, touch footy, boxercise, marathons, mountain climbing … the sky’s the limit!
Flower Essence Blends for Aries
Like A Boss: To support you while you keep up with the pace you set yourself
Let it Go: To help you safely release any anger or frustration
Manifest: To help you turn your long held goal into a reality
Taurus April 21 - May 21
Themes: Reinvention, resourcefulness, courage
Mood lifters: Cards and board games, delicious but nutritious food
Your transformation is far from finished, Taurus, in fact it’s only just begun; January’s restless stars could spark an image overhaul, along with a health and fitness kick. Someone’s disapproval may leave you with a dilemma, but stand your ground. With Jupiter spurring you on, set your sights high and believe in yourself!
Mind and Body
~ On your marks! When go-getter Mars enters your sign on January 7 (staying until March 4), you should notice the pace – and those flagging energy levels – picking up. Fitness programs should fly, but rein in those workaholic tendencies and watch that takeaway food. Make fitness and good health a priority!
~ Good food, fine wine … life’s little luxuries are best appreciated by the discerning Taurian (it’s no coincidence that a disproportionate number of chefs share your sign), but don’t overdo it. If you’re watching your waistline, why not experiment with Japanese dishes or use smaller plates to trick the eye?
Flower Essence Blends for Taurus
Courage: To help you keep going and stand your ground
Self Love: To keep you believing in yourself and putting yourself first!
Cravings Control: For times of overindulgence and help with opening up and sharing your emotions instead of trying to squash them.
Gemini May 22 – June 22
Themes: Learning and education, career advancement
Mood lifters: Foreign cookery, bold designs and colours
If you’re craving stimulation, sign up for classes, book an off-beat holiday or leap into something adventurous. With the moon’s node stimulating your sign this year, fate is working in weird and wonderful ways; singles might even meet ‘the one’. Winter could bring breakthroughs, and it’s just a taste of things to come. Moneywise, 2021 might end up being more buoyant (and less stressful) than expected; if restless feelings have been growing, a sea- or tree-change might even hit the agenda.
Mind and Body
~ Your horoscope is already crackling with energy, but through March and April you should hit top gear. If a sprinkle of adventure (or travel!) is thrown into the mix, all the better. On the heath and dietary fronts, harness the January 13 new moon and you won’t look back; alternative therapies might work a treat.
~ Bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to food. Waiting five hours between meals is just not your style, so satisfy that speedy metabolism by grazing on healthy snacks through the day – hummus dips, veggie sticks, nuts – or fuel up with lots of small, high protein meals.
Flower Essence Blends for Gemini
Focus: To help with any new classes or learning you have coming up this year!
Manifest: You have a lot of new stuff coming towards you so help keep it all positive
Bliss: To help keep you connected to the joy in yourself and others
Cancer June 22 - July 23
Themes: Goal setting, finding financial security
Mood lifters: Winter getaways, nature walks
This year, it’s all about making improvements – or even total transformations – to your home, your health, your image, and your finances as well. Recent events may have strained important relationships, but the celestial pressure is being released. Whether you’re single or attached, it’s onwards and upwards!
Mind and Body
~ Been overdoing things? The transformational February 12 new moon could prompt a reappraisal. Autumn’s health-conscious stars should snap you back to reality (and hopefully back into shape!). Sporty Crabs might even join a club, and for singles, the benefits might be twofold. Your energetic approach looks impressive!
~ You’ll be full of smart strategies this year, not just financially, but on the work and home fronts too. Weigh up options (including moving or downsizing) through February then as autumn approaches, prepare for progress.
Flower Essence Blends for Cancer
Like A Boss: To help support the juggle and taking action after your goal setting
Peace: To help balance the heart chakra and hep heal relationships with yourself and others
Cravings Control: For times of overindulgence and help with opening up and sharing your emotions instead of trying to squash them.
Leo July 24 – August 23
Themes: Networking, finding work-life balance, rekindling romance
Mood lifters: Social soirees, live entertainment, comedies
There’s nothing wrong with thinking big, especially being a Leo. If you’ve been yearning for something more, you might finally strike gold. In fact, with your love and money sectors both activated, 2021 could mark a major turning point. Just don’t overdo it or your health – and relationships – could pay the price. It’s all about balance and compromise this year.
Mind and Body
~ Meet the healthier, happier you. From mid-January it’s all systems go, so grab a motivated friend or partner and look for ways to combine fitness with fun. February could bring a health and fitness rethink, but new strategies and approaches might work a treat. Look outside the box!
~ Relationships are in the spotlight! With Jupiter stoking the fires, couples might rekindle old sparks, while singles might date up a storm. Okay, Saturn could expose a few cracks for long term couples, but repairs made through 2021 should leave you feeling stronger and hopefully more united. Socially, June could bring a series of farewells, but space is being made for fresh faces. Your world is expanding – and so is your social circle.
Flower Essence Blends for Leo
Mojo: Sounds like you need your mojo with you this year Leo!
Help: To help support you when the cracks appear
Slow Down: To help prevent you from overdoing things!
Virgo August 24 – September 23
Themes: Self-expression, health and well-being
Mood lifters: Music and the arts, group holiday
It’s time to assess where you’re at, and more importantly, figure out exactly where you want to go. With Lady Luck Jupiter expanding your vision, a new career path might appear or a money-making venture could get you excited. Winter’s socially-charged stars might even draw a stimulating new business or romantic partner into your orbit!
Mind and Body
~ As Saturn swings the spotlight onto health and well-being, your self-discipline should soar. And with Mars cracking the whip, the results might amaze all. Reassess your approach through February, then prepare for a more balanced and productive year. If those stress levels spike, look into yoga, meditation or mindfulness.
~ Virgos are generally one of the fittest signs … when they can find the time! Regularity is the key so if need be, draw up a schedule and stick it on the fridge. Activities that require precision, like Pilates and Iyengar yoga often appeal, along with bowling, tennis and walking. Kick things off with a personal training session, but first, grab some good shoes.
Flower Essence Blends for Virgo
Intuition: To help you tap into what's best for you this year
Help: To support you if those stress levels spike
Truth: To help with your self expression
Libra September 24 – October 23
Themes: Self expression, rediscovering romance
Mood lifters: Retro music, fashions and films
Your creative juices are flowing freely this year, so dive on in. That entrepreneurial streak might even prove profitable, just try to steer clear of gambling and high-risk ventures. For couples, family expansion (or cuddly pets!) might also hit the agenda, while for lovebirds, these pleasure-seeking stars might be just what the doctor ordered. Let the love in!
Mind and Body
~ Squeezing in exercise might be tricky, but group pursuits or lunchtime walks should keep you on the move. Plans may chop and change through the cooler months, while July could force a health or fitness rethink. An inspiring person might open your eyes to new methods and ideas.
~ Quality, not quantity might suit as this year’s mantra. Small gatherings should keep you going until mid-June, but after that, your social life should soar (that’s good news on the dating scene). Even your workplace might become more social this year … or someone from your past might send you back in time!
Flower Essence Blends for Libra
Protect: To help with your boundaries when socialising
Self Love: To help you continue to letting love in
Energy: To help motivate you to fit your exercise in!
Scorpio October 24 – November 22
Themes: Home improvements, family harmony
Mood Lifters: Working up a sweat, aromatherapy
As they say, bigger isn’t always better. Jupiter may be expanding your options, but if life is complicated enough, don’t ruin things by taking on too much. Home-related projects may keep you busy as the weather cools down, along with a series of parties and milestone events. Autumn might even conjure up a dash of romance, and ooh-la-la, not with your usual type!
Mind and Body
~ Fallen into bad habits of late? Dust off some old sporting gear or get fit while you overhaul your home or garden. By April, you’ll be itching for bigger challenges – or a complete physical transformation; a spot of surgery might even beckon. August could bring a fun group fitness kick, just in time for spring!
~ Change is inevitable this year, so don’t fight it. May looks super-productive, but hang on … June’s turbocharged eclipse could propel you into top gear, both at work and on the financial front, while spring’s visionary stars could bring renovations or even a relocation. A midyear payout or windfall might feel like serendipity!
Flower Essence Blends for Scorpio
Spirit: To help you with guidance and connection while things are changing
Slow Down: To help you not take on too much and to help support you when things feel turbo charged!
Energy: To help motivate you to work up a sweat!
Sagittarius November 23 – December 22
Themes: Local community, learning
Mood lifters: Weekends away, natural settings
It’s good news! After an intense year, the vibe is becoming more buoyant. As your curiosity surges, local projects or study courses might reveal untapped talents, while more cerebral types could discover a passion for writing or teaching. Adding to the buzz, a desire to explore might take you off the beaten track – and out of your comfort zone.
Mind and Body
~ Fitness kicks are written in the stars, so leap in after January 7. If it’s social or team oriented, all the better, for local connections are being forged; some Saggies might even consider coaching or teacher training. Alternative therapies might catch your eye through autumn … and whet your appetite to learn more.
~ Your social circle is expanding. As the weather cools down, your love for music, games or culture could point you towards a new crowd (singles, take note), while for lovebirds, exploring out-of-the-way places should strengthen bonds. For long term couples, the June 10 eclipse might usher you into a more positive and united era: fresh starts await.
Flower Essence Blends for Sagittarius
Grounding: To help keep you balanced and centered even when outside your comfort zone
Focus: To help you during any new studies you undertake!
Energy: To help you with your fitness kick!
Thanks so much again to Jenny Blume who provided us with the insight to our star signs for this year which helped me pick the flower essence blends that will best support you in 2021. If you'd like further info on Jenny and what she does, please check out www.jennyblume.com.au
Want any of the flower essence blends I've mentioned? You will get an automatic discount when ordering three or more blends! Please see the discount details and find all the flower essence blend descriptions here.
Hope you all have an amazing year filled with health, fun, love and (easy) lessons,
Alisha x
Flower Essence and Star Sign Guide for 2021
Yay, it's time for my most popular blog of the year! 2021 is now the 4th year where I have collaborated with renowned astrologist, Jenny Blume, to give you the astrological forecast for the year as well as which flower essences will serve you best in 2021.
As well as being an astrologist, Jenny is a Feng Shui and Clearing practitioner and if you have heard of her name before, she is also the astrologist for Woman's Day magazine. I love working with Jenny to work out what energetic support each star sign might need for the coming year and with all that can unfold in a year for ourselves and our kids, having some energetic support on hand to navigate our emotions can be pretty handy don't you think?
The Star Sign and Flower Essence Guide for 2021!
Please note that other flower essence blends might feel more suited to you than the ones I have included for your star sign so just use whatever you think is right for you. These ones below that I have matched to your 2021 forecast are aimed to help with what the year has in store for you both energetically and emotionally. You can click on the blend name to read more about what it can do for you and if you get three or more blends you will benefit from my pack discount too. 😊

Capricorn December 23 – January 20
Themes: Financial security, personal values
Mood lifters: Arts and crafts, quirky people, walking
Feel that spring in your step? As serious Saturn farewells your sign, your renewed zest for life should be clear to all. You're up for fresh challenges, and with Jupiter stimulating your cash zone, Lady Luck is on your side. From May, your community-minded side may be hard to suppress; a talent for coaching or fundraising might even arise. Dive on in!
Mind and Body
~ Rules and routines are flying out the window! Your activity levels (and enthusiasm!) should rise markedly from May, and by midyear your overhaul should hit full swing. June’s uncertain sky could prompt a rethink, but new health strategies (and supplements) might work a treat. As your mojo returns, it’s time to touch base with neglected friends, dust off your dancing shoes and kick up those heels.
~ Your grounded nature responds best to earthy, tasty food. Being a creature of habit, you’ll always want veggies, meat, rice and pasta as your staples, but change can be as good as a holiday. To boost calcium levels, include plenty of cheese, almonds and fish in your diet.
Flower Essence Blends for Capricorn
Mojo Because it sounds like you need your mojo this year!
Energy To help you keep up with everything!
Cleanse So nothing can hold you back!
Aquarius January 21 – February 19
Themes: Finding your voice, exploring options
Mood lifters: Image overhauls, quiet getaways
‘Show your true colours’, as Cindy Lauper would say. As optimistic Jupiter settles into your sign, your confidence (and your profile) should soar. New ventures stand a great chance of success, but don’t let Saturn turn you into a worry-wart. If you’re ready to step outside of that comfort zone and reinvent yourself, this is the year. Just remember, bigger isn’t always better!
Mind and Body
~ Discipline. Drive. Determination. Woohoo, 2021’s go-getter stars tick all the boxes, just try to balance your hard work with plenty of play – and exercise. Mid-April could spur you into serious action, while October might bring a well-deserved trip away. If you can’t get away, revisit a pastime that gets the blood pumping!
~ As your interests expand, you’ll view people through fresh eyes; for some, a friend or colleague might even become a lover. For singles, the June 10 eclipse might leave you spoilt for choice! July should bring a flurry of reunions and social events, while for couples a shared passion or pastime or passion could rekindle the flame.
Flower Essence Blends for Aquarius
Truth: To support you as you find your true voice and start using it more
Focus: To help support you with your discipline, drive and determination!
Slow Down: To help decrease any worry-wart type of thinking
Pisces February 20 – March 20
Themes: Finding your calling, learning new skills
Mood lifters: Music, meditation, hypnosis
If life’s taken on a slightly surreal vibe, 2021 should leave you with a fresh sense of clarity and purpose. Intriguing new paths will be illuminated through late autumn, so open your eyes and let yourself ponder the possibilities. As Jupiter shifts into your sign (from mid-May until July 29), your surging confidence should attract attention, not just socially, but professionally as well. You’ll be in high demand!
Mind and Body
~ Feeling flat? Tweak your diet in early January, then look into chilled out pursuits like yoga, swimming and bush walking. From August, shared fitness kicks might be more your style, or a group getaway could open your eyes to new ways of living. If sensitives or headaches have flared, reassess chemicals around your home or go organic. Neptune transits tend to heighten the senses, which has it’s pros and cons! Purposeful activities should bring out your best in 2021, especially if local clubs or charities are involved.
~ Your sensitive system responds well to light foods such as stir-fries, salads and Asian-style soups. Fish (either fresh or tinned) and lean meat are also great, but steer clear of fatty cuts. Many Pisceans suffer from allergies, especially in childhood, so where possible, go chemical free.
Flower Essence Blends for Pisces
Grounding: To help you feel more stable and centred
Protect To assist your sensitive empath nature
Cleanse To help emotionally support your eliminative channels

Aries March 21 - April 20
Themes: Goal setting, group pursuits, finding yourself
Mood lifters: Hanging out with friends, yoga classes and retreats
After a stressful (and frustrating!) year, 2021 should feel like a breath of fresh air. New friends or colleagues might change your life, so don’t let sentimental feelings hold you back – get out there and circulate (at least when you can!). And let yourself dream, for by next summer a long-held goal could become a reality.
Mind and Body
~ Don’t get angry, get active. Better still, join forces with an group or upgrade your home gym. From June, head outdoors (or out of town!) and most importantly, keep it fun. Singles, if you’re looking for love, consider joining a mixed team. If you’ve always wondered about yoga or meditation, this might be the year!
~ Staying active should help to burn off some of that pent-up energy (much to the relief of your loved ones); if you’re finding it hard to stay motivated, join a team or revisit a sport that you loved as a child. Anything too slow will lose you, so choose activities that get the heart pumping. Power yoga, touch footy, boxercise, marathons, mountain climbing … the sky’s the limit!
Flower Essence Blends for Aries
Like A Boss: To support you while you keep up with the pace you set yourself
Let it Go: To help you safely release any anger or frustration
Manifest: To help you turn your long held goal into a reality
Taurus April 21 - May 21
Themes: Reinvention, resourcefulness, courage
Mood lifters: Cards and board games, delicious but nutritious food
Your transformation is far from finished, Taurus, in fact it’s only just begun; January’s restless stars could spark an image overhaul, along with a health and fitness kick. Someone’s disapproval may leave you with a dilemma, but stand your ground. With Jupiter spurring you on, set your sights high and believe in yourself!
Mind and Body
~ On your marks! When go-getter Mars enters your sign on January 7 (staying until March 4), you should notice the pace – and those flagging energy levels – picking up. Fitness programs should fly, but rein in those workaholic tendencies and watch that takeaway food. Make fitness and good health a priority!
~ Good food, fine wine … life’s little luxuries are best appreciated by the discerning Taurian (it’s no coincidence that a disproportionate number of chefs share your sign), but don’t overdo it. If you’re watching your waistline, why not experiment with Japanese dishes or use smaller plates to trick the eye?
Flower Essence Blends for Taurus
Courage: To help you keep going and stand your ground
Self Love: To keep you believing in yourself and putting yourself first!
Cravings Control: For times of overindulgence and help with opening up and sharing your emotions instead of trying to squash them.
Gemini May 22 – June 22
Themes: Learning and education, career advancement
Mood lifters: Foreign cookery, bold designs and colours
If you’re craving stimulation, sign up for classes, book an off-beat holiday or leap into something adventurous. With the moon’s node stimulating your sign this year, fate is working in weird and wonderful ways; singles might even meet ‘the one’. Winter could bring breakthroughs, and it’s just a taste of things to come. Moneywise, 2021 might end up being more buoyant (and less stressful) than expected; if restless feelings have been growing, a sea- or tree-change might even hit the agenda.
Mind and Body
~ Your horoscope is already crackling with energy, but through March and April you should hit top gear. If a sprinkle of adventure (or travel!) is thrown into the mix, all the better. On the heath and dietary fronts, harness the January 13 new moon and you won’t look back; alternative therapies might work a treat.
~ Bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to food. Waiting five hours between meals is just not your style, so satisfy that speedy metabolism by grazing on healthy snacks through the day – hummus dips, veggie sticks, nuts – or fuel up with lots of small, high protein meals.
Flower Essence Blends for Gemini
Focus: To help with any new classes or learning you have coming up this year!
Manifest: You have a lot of new stuff coming towards you so help keep it all positive
Bliss: To help keep you connected to the joy in yourself and others
Cancer June 22 - July 23
Themes: Goal setting, finding financial security
Mood lifters: Winter getaways, nature walks
This year, it’s all about making improvements – or even total transformations – to your home, your health, your image, and your finances as well. Recent events may have strained important relationships, but the celestial pressure is being released. Whether you’re single or attached, it’s onwards and upwards!
Mind and Body
~ Been overdoing things? The transformational February 12 new moon could prompt a reappraisal. Autumn’s health-conscious stars should snap you back to reality (and hopefully back into shape!). Sporty Crabs might even join a club, and for singles, the benefits might be twofold. Your energetic approach looks impressive!
~ You’ll be full of smart strategies this year, not just financially, but on the work and home fronts too. Weigh up options (including moving or downsizing) through February then as autumn approaches, prepare for progress.
Flower Essence Blends for Cancer
Like A Boss: To help support the juggle and taking action after your goal setting
Peace: To help balance the heart chakra and hep heal relationships with yourself and others
Cravings Control: For times of overindulgence and help with opening up and sharing your emotions instead of trying to squash them.
Leo July 24 – August 23
Themes: Networking, finding work-life balance, rekindling romance
Mood lifters: Social soirees, live entertainment, comedies
There’s nothing wrong with thinking big, especially being a Leo. If you’ve been yearning for something more, you might finally strike gold. In fact, with your love and money sectors both activated, 2021 could mark a major turning point. Just don’t overdo it or your health – and relationships – could pay the price. It’s all about balance and compromise this year.
Mind and Body
~ Meet the healthier, happier you. From mid-January it’s all systems go, so grab a motivated friend or partner and look for ways to combine fitness with fun. February could bring a health and fitness rethink, but new strategies and approaches might work a treat. Look outside the box!
~ Relationships are in the spotlight! With Jupiter stoking the fires, couples might rekindle old sparks, while singles might date up a storm. Okay, Saturn could expose a few cracks for long term couples, but repairs made through 2021 should leave you feeling stronger and hopefully more united. Socially, June could bring a series of farewells, but space is being made for fresh faces. Your world is expanding – and so is your social circle.
Flower Essence Blends for Leo
Mojo: Sounds like you need your mojo with you this year Leo!
Help: To help support you when the cracks appear
Slow Down: To help prevent you from overdoing things!
Virgo August 24 – September 23
Themes: Self-expression, health and well-being
Mood lifters: Music and the arts, group holiday
It’s time to assess where you’re at, and more importantly, figure out exactly where you want to go. With Lady Luck Jupiter expanding your vision, a new career path might appear or a money-making venture could get you excited. Winter’s socially-charged stars might even draw a stimulating new business or romantic partner into your orbit!
Mind and Body
~ As Saturn swings the spotlight onto health and well-being, your self-discipline should soar. And with Mars cracking the whip, the results might amaze all. Reassess your approach through February, then prepare for a more balanced and productive year. If those stress levels spike, look into yoga, meditation or mindfulness.
~ Virgos are generally one of the fittest signs … when they can find the time! Regularity is the key so if need be, draw up a schedule and stick it on the fridge. Activities that require precision, like Pilates and Iyengar yoga often appeal, along with bowling, tennis and walking. Kick things off with a personal training session, but first, grab some good shoes.
Flower Essence Blends for Virgo
Intuition: To help you tap into what's best for you this year
Help: To support you if those stress levels spike
Truth: To help with your self expression
Libra September 24 – October 23
Themes: Self expression, rediscovering romance
Mood lifters: Retro music, fashions and films
Your creative juices are flowing freely this year, so dive on in. That entrepreneurial streak might even prove profitable, just try to steer clear of gambling and high-risk ventures. For couples, family expansion (or cuddly pets!) might also hit the agenda, while for lovebirds, these pleasure-seeking stars might be just what the doctor ordered. Let the love in!
Mind and Body
~ Squeezing in exercise might be tricky, but group pursuits or lunchtime walks should keep you on the move. Plans may chop and change through the cooler months, while July could force a health or fitness rethink. An inspiring person might open your eyes to new methods and ideas.
~ Quality, not quantity might suit as this year’s mantra. Small gatherings should keep you going until mid-June, but after that, your social life should soar (that’s good news on the dating scene). Even your workplace might become more social this year … or someone from your past might send you back in time!
Flower Essence Blends for Libra
Protect: To help with your boundaries when socialising
Self Love: To help you continue to letting love in
Energy: To help motivate you to fit your exercise in!
Scorpio October 24 – November 22
Themes: Home improvements, family harmony
Mood Lifters: Working up a sweat, aromatherapy
As they say, bigger isn’t always better. Jupiter may be expanding your options, but if life is complicated enough, don’t ruin things by taking on too much. Home-related projects may keep you busy as the weather cools down, along with a series of parties and milestone events. Autumn might even conjure up a dash of romance, and ooh-la-la, not with your usual type!
Mind and Body
~ Fallen into bad habits of late? Dust off some old sporting gear or get fit while you overhaul your home or garden. By April, you’ll be itching for bigger challenges – or a complete physical transformation; a spot of surgery might even beckon. August could bring a fun group fitness kick, just in time for spring!
~ Change is inevitable this year, so don’t fight it. May looks super-productive, but hang on … June’s turbocharged eclipse could propel you into top gear, both at work and on the financial front, while spring’s visionary stars could bring renovations or even a relocation. A midyear payout or windfall might feel like serendipity!
Flower Essence Blends for Scorpio
Spirit: To help you with guidance and connection while things are changing
Slow Down: To help you not take on too much and to help support you when things feel turbo charged!
Energy: To help motivate you to work up a sweat!
Sagittarius November 23 – December 22
Themes: Local community, learning
Mood lifters: Weekends away, natural settings
It’s good news! After an intense year, the vibe is becoming more buoyant. As your curiosity surges, local projects or study courses might reveal untapped talents, while more cerebral types could discover a passion for writing or teaching. Adding to the buzz, a desire to explore might take you off the beaten track – and out of your comfort zone.
Mind and Body
~ Fitness kicks are written in the stars, so leap in after January 7. If it’s social or team oriented, all the better, for local connections are being forged; some Saggies might even consider coaching or teacher training. Alternative therapies might catch your eye through autumn … and whet your appetite to learn more.
~ Your social circle is expanding. As the weather cools down, your love for music, games or culture could point you towards a new crowd (singles, take note), while for lovebirds, exploring out-of-the-way places should strengthen bonds. For long term couples, the June 10 eclipse might usher you into a more positive and united era: fresh starts await.
Flower Essence Blends for Sagittarius
Grounding: To help keep you balanced and centered even when outside your comfort zone
Focus: To help you during any new studies you undertake!
Energy: To help you with your fitness kick!
Thanks so much again to Jenny Blume who provided us with the insight to our star signs for this year which helped me pick the flower essence blends that will best support you in 2021. If you'd like further info on Jenny and what she does, please check out www.jennyblume.com.au
Want any of the flower essence blends I've mentioned? You will get an automatic discount when ordering three or more blends! Please see the discount details and find all the flower essence blend descriptions here.
Hope you all have an amazing year filled with health, fun, love and (easy) lessons,
Alisha x