Chocolate Gummies!
A gummy recipe has to be the easiest and yummiest way of delivering some gut health action to your kids (and to yourself!) The reason for this is that most gummies are based on gelatin. Gelatin is an amazing gut health food as it is basically collagen but a form that 'gels' up! You must source grass fed gelatin as it does come from animal tissue (typically cows) and luckily there are many wonderful sources of grassfed gelatin out there these days.
For this recipe I used Locako as it was one I picked up last minute from the supermarket and it's pasture raised gelatin as well as being an Australian brand (not sponsored!) so that's an easy one to get your hands on if you haven't jumped on the gelatin train yet! I also love the Nutra Organics brand.
You can source vegan gummy recipes which use agar agar powder instead of gelatin if your family is vegan or vegetarian like this one HERE
The reason I love using gelatin is the fact that it's high protein and full of gut healing amino acids. It helps seal the gut lining while helping to repair it, increases gastric secretion which aids digestion and adds to the health of our hair, skin and nails. And this recipe is basically a chocolate treat that delivers all that for you and the kids! Ummmm....yes please!
So let's get to the recipe shall we!?
Chocolate Gummies
gluten, dairy and egg free (also nut free if coconut milk/cream is used)
400ml of almond milk (can use coconut milk/cream)
4 tblspns of grassfed gelatin
2 tblspns of maple syrup or honey
2 tblspns of Cacao powder
1/2 tspn of vanilla extract
1. Pop almond milk or coconut cream/milk in a saucepan along with the gelatin, set aside and allow to 'bloom' for 5 minutes
2. Add cacao, vanilla extract and maple or honey and stir over a low heat until it's all mixed in and dissolved
3. Remove from heat and pour into silicone moulds or a small baking tray lined with baking paper
4. Set in the fridge for 1-2 hours and then pop out of moulds or slice up if using baking tray. Make sure not to leave them longer than the recommended setting time if in the moulds as they can set too firmly and not come out as easily.
5. Enjoy!
This recipe makes about 50 small gummies and will keep for 1-2 weeks in the fridge (if they last that long!) in an airtight container.
And just FYI, popping some gelatin gummies in your tummies helps with so many things from better sleep to increased immunity! If you have heard all about bone broth and those health benefits, then this is basically the same thing because gelatin is pretty much powdered bone broth! For more info on the healing benefits of bone broth and my recipe, please go here.
Otherwise enjoy this very easy and tasty way of increasing your gut health!
Yours in Health,
Chocolate Gummies!
A gummy recipe has to be the easiest and yummiest way of delivering some gut health action to your kids (and to yourself!) The reason for this is that most gummies are based on gelatin. Gelatin is an amazing gut health food as it is basically collagen but a form that 'gels' up! You must source grass fed gelatin as it does come from animal tissue (typically cows) and luckily there are many wonderful sources of grassfed gelatin out there these days.
For this recipe I used Locako as it was one I picked up last minute from the supermarket and it's pasture raised gelatin as well as being an Australian brand (not sponsored!) so that's an easy one to get your hands on if you haven't jumped on the gelatin train yet! I also love the Nutra Organics brand.
You can source vegan gummy recipes which use agar agar powder instead of gelatin if your family is vegan or vegetarian like this one HERE
The reason I love using gelatin is the fact that it's high protein and full of gut healing amino acids. It helps seal the gut lining while helping to repair it, increases gastric secretion which aids digestion and adds to the health of our hair, skin and nails. And this recipe is basically a chocolate treat that delivers all that for you and the kids! Ummmm....yes please!
So let's get to the recipe shall we!?
Chocolate Gummies
gluten, dairy and egg free (also nut free if coconut milk/cream is used)
400ml of almond milk (can use coconut milk/cream)
4 tblspns of grassfed gelatin
2 tblspns of maple syrup or honey
2 tblspns of Cacao powder
1/2 tspn of vanilla extract
1. Pop almond milk or coconut cream/milk in a saucepan along with the gelatin, set aside and allow to 'bloom' for 5 minutes
2. Add cacao, vanilla extract and maple or honey and stir over a low heat until it's all mixed in and dissolved
3. Remove from heat and pour into silicone moulds or a small baking tray lined with baking paper
4. Set in the fridge for 1-2 hours and then pop out of moulds or slice up if using baking tray. Make sure not to leave them longer than the recommended setting time if in the moulds as they can set too firmly and not come out as easily.
5. Enjoy!
This recipe makes about 50 small gummies and will keep for 1-2 weeks in the fridge (if they last that long!) in an airtight container.
And just FYI, popping some gelatin gummies in your tummies helps with so many things from better sleep to increased immunity! If you have heard all about bone broth and those health benefits, then this is basically the same thing because gelatin is pretty much powdered bone broth! For more info on the healing benefits of bone broth and my recipe, please go here.
Otherwise enjoy this very easy and tasty way of increasing your gut health!
Yours in Health,