I am in total shock!
I have never read a review like this one before!
The reason I am making it a blog post is that when my customer Fern left this in the shop review section on my website, it had too many words in it and wouldn't allow us to publish!
But after myself and a couple of my staff read it (and we all got a bit teary!), I knew it had to be shared somehow, so here it is in a blog.
I think it will really help the mums out there who have ever wondered about my flower essence blends and if they actually work?! It also shares with us the feelings of what it is like to be a mum who cares so much about their child and how it feels when a breakthrough occurs.
WARNING - whether you are a parent or not, reading this may tug at the heart strings!
Title of Review: I am in total shock! We have a complete turn around!
Dear Alisha,
You magical, wonderful, brilliant soul, I don't even know where to begin thanking you for the difference you have made to our family!!
I am so sorry this is sooooo long, but I need to really explain our situation so you understand how much these drops mean to me! I have a beautiful 5 year old son, who has been FAST since he was born, he learned to run and never stopped long enough to even bother to try walking as it wasn't fast paced enough for him.
Everything about him is fast, his pace, his mind, his speech, his temper, his reflexes, his impulsive reactions, his mood changes, his play, even his ability to frustrate his parents very quickly.
Our other three children are very placid, responsible, sensible, easy and quiet but he just came in to the world, demanding attention and the patience of a saint from me and wanting to teach me a thing or two, just when I thought I had this "Mum gig" down.
A difficult child sure will bring you down a peg or ten..... I have struggled with helping him for a really long time, and feeling as though I had somehow failed him as a mum, or was I feeding him something that was triggering this behaviour, was there something more wrong with him I needed to get check out, why, oh why, was every little, tiny thing so difficult with him?
When he was asleep or not around when I had my other three children, I honestly felt like parenting was so easy, just a complete breeze. But when he was around again, I felt like I had eight children in one when it came to managing him.
I adore him so much, but I can not explain how much he challenges us. We are extremely patient people, but by golly, I wish I could lose weight as fast as I lose patience with him!! No one has ever brought out this side in me before! Who knew that a child could have a 45 minute public shaming tantrum because there was a shadow from a tree blowing in the breeze on the ground that was annoying him?
Not I, until this little man!
He started school this year, and I am not sure what it is, but I think having so many children around him, the amount of noise and stimulation, learning how to deal with other children who frustrate him, but his behaviour was gradually escalating at school....badly.....he was acting impulsively and being too rough with other kids if they annoyed him instead of telling a teacher, and just lashing out for no reason at all at times too. Our family is very placid, calm and gentle, so this personality is so out of the blue for us.
After a call from the principal one particularly bad day, after numerous incidents of him being too hands on, and after the PE teacher on the same day asked if there was something "not quite right" about him, I could not stop crying. I was just completely heartbroken and devastated.
He is such a beautiful, little person, with the kindest heart, funniest sense of humour, who actually really loves being good, he absolutely knows wrong from right, and he instantly feels remorseful if he has ever lashed out inappropriately, so what is wrong with my child? Why can't he control his behaviour in the heat of the moment?
I had tried literally everything I could think of, and I had done so much research on how to help him, I was doing meditation with him, positive affirmations, took every ounce of sugar out of his diet, made him sleep even more than normal, taken the kind approach, the grumpy approach, the sad approach, the strict approach, the guilt approach, I bought books, researched online, asked professionals, asked other mums, everything, honestly if you can think of it, I have probably tried it!
I was even starting to look up paediatricians to get him checked out, even though it made my chest tighten and hurt to think that this was my last chance of helping him. We love him dearly and he is a gorgeous boy, but I was starting to feel sad whenever I looked at him, "Why was he acting like this? Is there something wrong with my baby? Where have I gone wrong?".
This one particular day, I had caught up with a beautiful, close friend for coffee who after telling her about my broken heart because of my child, told me about these drops, my interest was peaked, but I couldn't really wrap my brain around how they could possibly work.
That afternoon, I went to school pick up and as he walked towards the car, his head was down and he wouldn't look at me and I could see that he was feeling really guilty, ashamed and upset. I am instantly thinking, "What on earth has he done this time?", and already starting to feel myself getting cross.
He gets in the car and instantly starts crying, then he tells me that he got in trouble for hitting someone again, and I just sat there in silence for a brief moment, breathing in deeply and trying to control my absolute frustration, anger, desperation and utter disappointment so I can try to respond appropriately, and I am thinking, "C'mon inner peace, I don't have all day."
Then he says through genuine, devastating tears, completely unprompted, "I just don't know what is wrong with me, my brain doesn't work properly, I know what I should do, but my body just does silly things before I know it, and then I feel so bad for what I have done straight away. I don't like myself anymore...I don't like being me...I am a bad person."
I pulled the car over, in tears myself now after hearing those tragic, sad words from my gorgeous, little five year old boy. I got him out of the car, lifted him up and cuddled him so close with his head on my shoulder and just held him while we both had a little cry for a moment.
I put him down and held his sweet, little face in my hands and looked him in the eyes, and I promised him that I would do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I can to help him learn to control his impulsiveness and to learn to slow down and be calmer. I had no idea what the answer was in my own head, just the sheer determination that I wouldn't ever give up until I found a way.
I had made a promise to my son that I was determined to keep, and I am a desperate woman and will try anything at this point, I normally like to know how things work before I use them, and hadn't had time to check the science of the drops out properly yet, but I logged on to the Naughty Naturopath Mum site and bought the Slow Down drops anyway.
The longest 2 days of my life went by waiting for the drops - (the shipping was super fast, but can you tell I was REALLY, REALLY desperate?), then FINALLY they arrived, they were here, could these be the answer I have been looking for?
I was hesitant to get excited yet, as everything else I had tried didn't work, so I didn't want to feel let down again, so I just put them in my bag and headed off that afternoon to school pick up. My three boys all get in the car from school and one says, "Mummy I love you so much, I really missed you today.", I say, "Awww, thank you gorgeous, I love and missed you today too!", next minute Mr 5 gets angry, "No I love mummy and really missed her today!", then it goes back and forth, "I did too", "No, I did the most.", "No I did!"
Now I will be completely honest here, this is one argument that I was almost enjoying a little too much and I was actually just tempted to let them continue to fight it out and just sit there basking in the glory of three of my four children fighting over how much they loved me for a moment, and then the responsible parent side of me, woke with a start and gave myself an imaginary slap across the face...the drops!!
My self talk went a little like this, "Hey, maybe I should just darn well take the drops myself, I don't think I can take this immediate arguing the second they get in the car? Now don't get cranky, just wait until we get home and give him the drops, be patient, you are the adult here....deep breaths, deep breaths, you can wait until you get home....aaaaaand poof! My patience is all gone...ta-da!!!" I come to my senses finally and just pull over and give him the drops to see if it helps.
We are all cranky at this point, so I say nothing but, "Open your mouth and stick up your tongue.". He must have seen the building frustration and intense grumpiness in my eyes, because weirdly, he complied instantly and silently and we drove home in silence, 15 minutes later, we get home and no one has still said a word, we all bundle out of the car and go inside silently.
They are not quiet all that often, so I think they all must have been quite confused, because instead of pulling over and getting grumpy, I had said nothing and given him these drops, I would love to know what they were thinking at that time in hindsight and what they thought I was giving him, ha ha ha! Instant self destruct drops? Ha ha ha, I hate to imagine!
Anyway, Mr 5 comes inside walking, (yes I said WALKING, not running) and at first I thought he might be unwell, I look at him utterly confused like I have seen a real life unicorn - he is not running, he is WALKING? What the? He looks so different when he is not a blur running past me....I can actually see his facial features clearly, he looks so different in slow motion...and he is just BEAUTIFUL!
He looks up at me with these big, blue eyes and WALKS over to me, "Mummy, I am sorry, that was really silly. I just want you to know that we all love you and that I am so sorry for being so silly in the car. " I cuddled him and said, "Thank you for saying that honey.", then quickly look at the drops, "Did you guys do this?". hmmm...I will reserve my judgement for now, but that was weird.
Well, I am happy to say that two weeks later, my child has received five golden tickets (cards for being EXTRA ESPECIALLY good at school), from different teachers in the school, (some who don't even know him!) and received a Principal's award certificate at assembly for, "It takes great strength to be sensible".
I NEVER EVER imagined HE would get an award for being sensible! AND, the PE teacher who asked if there was "something wrong with him" approached me at school yesterday and said that she had given him a golden ticket because he was so focused, calm, and concentrated so hard and tried his absolute best at something really tricky that everyone else gave up on and was having trouble with, she said in her words, "he was like a completely different child", normally he would be the first one frustrated and giving up if something was too tricky!
At home he has been calmer, walking instead of running, more helpful, trying harder at things and the most delightful child ever! I keep thinking I must be forgetting things at the moment because my life feels so much calmer, more organised and in control and not overwhelming!
We have used so much of the Slow Down drops, that we are getting very low already as I have been giving them to him religiously before school every day, to keep up the great run he is having.
I am actually too scared to stop them now that I know what life is like, "on the other side"!
Thank you so much Alisha. I can not thank you enough for the difference you have made in my life. With him being calmer, happier and more peaceful, our whole family is happier, calmer and in a really good place and nothing in the world is better than that.
I am a complete convert! I found the paediatrician referral forms I had printed out before I had bought the drops the other day, and I happily tore them in to tiny pieces with great satisfaction and relief.
Tearing up those forms was a cathartic experience, every tantrum, every argument, every phone call from school, every tearful night I had - all of those horrible moments and emotions were replaced with me calmly tearing up those papers and putting them in the bin feeling very proud of myself that I had kept my promise to my son that I would do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I could to help him learn to control his impulsiveness and to learn to slow down and be calmer.
I am teary writing this to you Alisha, because it means so much to me, I have my family back. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the most unexpected, but amazing solution to help my boy manage his emotions, it has been a life changing experience, and my husband who let's just say is VERY skeptical of most things, and who laughed at me when I suggested "flower drops" in his words, (I actually call him the "Marvellous Myth-Buster" because he just LOVES proving people wrong, ha ha ha, he drives me crazy, but bless him, he just darn well loves FACTS), but even HE is even looking online at the drops now and checking the other types out himself!!! Ha ha ha! 2 complete turn arounds in my house!
SO THANK YOU! I am so grateful, a million words could never express how much, even when I get completely lost in the moment and write a million words like above, it is STILL not enough words to express my gratitude! Feel a big, warm, grateful cuddle from me from across the miles Alisha! THANK YOU! - Fern
Can you see why I may have gotten bit teary and just had to share!? Thanks to all of you for reading this far and thanks so much to Fern who wrote this epic review. I'm sure it will help some other mum's out there give these 'Marvellous Myth Buster drops' a whirl. ;)
Find Slow Down blend HERE, in my Calm Kids Pack HERE, Fussy Eaters Pack HERE in my Back To School Pack HERE and in my Beginners Blends Pack HERE too!
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
I am in total shock!
I have never read a review like this one before!
The reason I am making it a blog post is that when my customer Fern left this in the shop review section on my website, it had too many words in it and wouldn't allow us to publish!
But after myself and a couple of my staff read it (and we all got a bit teary!), I knew it had to be shared somehow, so here it is in a blog.
I think it will really help the mums out there who have ever wondered about my flower essence blends and if they actually work?! It also shares with us the feelings of what it is like to be a mum who cares so much about their child and how it feels when a breakthrough occurs.
WARNING - whether you are a parent or not, reading this may tug at the heart strings!
Title of Review: I am in total shock! We have a complete turn around!
Dear Alisha,
You magical, wonderful, brilliant soul, I don't even know where to begin thanking you for the difference you have made to our family!!
I am so sorry this is sooooo long, but I need to really explain our situation so you understand how much these drops mean to me! I have a beautiful 5 year old son, who has been FAST since he was born, he learned to run and never stopped long enough to even bother to try walking as it wasn't fast paced enough for him.
Everything about him is fast, his pace, his mind, his speech, his temper, his reflexes, his impulsive reactions, his mood changes, his play, even his ability to frustrate his parents very quickly.
Our other three children are very placid, responsible, sensible, easy and quiet but he just came in to the world, demanding attention and the patience of a saint from me and wanting to teach me a thing or two, just when I thought I had this "Mum gig" down.
A difficult child sure will bring you down a peg or ten..... I have struggled with helping him for a really long time, and feeling as though I had somehow failed him as a mum, or was I feeding him something that was triggering this behaviour, was there something more wrong with him I needed to get check out, why, oh why, was every little, tiny thing so difficult with him?
When he was asleep or not around when I had my other three children, I honestly felt like parenting was so easy, just a complete breeze. But when he was around again, I felt like I had eight children in one when it came to managing him.
I adore him so much, but I can not explain how much he challenges us. We are extremely patient people, but by golly, I wish I could lose weight as fast as I lose patience with him!! No one has ever brought out this side in me before! Who knew that a child could have a 45 minute public shaming tantrum because there was a shadow from a tree blowing in the breeze on the ground that was annoying him?
Not I, until this little man!
He started school this year, and I am not sure what it is, but I think having so many children around him, the amount of noise and stimulation, learning how to deal with other children who frustrate him, but his behaviour was gradually escalating at school....badly.....he was acting impulsively and being too rough with other kids if they annoyed him instead of telling a teacher, and just lashing out for no reason at all at times too. Our family is very placid, calm and gentle, so this personality is so out of the blue for us.
After a call from the principal one particularly bad day, after numerous incidents of him being too hands on, and after the PE teacher on the same day asked if there was something "not quite right" about him, I could not stop crying. I was just completely heartbroken and devastated.
He is such a beautiful, little person, with the kindest heart, funniest sense of humour, who actually really loves being good, he absolutely knows wrong from right, and he instantly feels remorseful if he has ever lashed out inappropriately, so what is wrong with my child? Why can't he control his behaviour in the heat of the moment?
I had tried literally everything I could think of, and I had done so much research on how to help him, I was doing meditation with him, positive affirmations, took every ounce of sugar out of his diet, made him sleep even more than normal, taken the kind approach, the grumpy approach, the sad approach, the strict approach, the guilt approach, I bought books, researched online, asked professionals, asked other mums, everything, honestly if you can think of it, I have probably tried it!
I was even starting to look up paediatricians to get him checked out, even though it made my chest tighten and hurt to think that this was my last chance of helping him. We love him dearly and he is a gorgeous boy, but I was starting to feel sad whenever I looked at him, "Why was he acting like this? Is there something wrong with my baby? Where have I gone wrong?".
This one particular day, I had caught up with a beautiful, close friend for coffee who after telling her about my broken heart because of my child, told me about these drops, my interest was peaked, but I couldn't really wrap my brain around how they could possibly work.
That afternoon, I went to school pick up and as he walked towards the car, his head was down and he wouldn't look at me and I could see that he was feeling really guilty, ashamed and upset. I am instantly thinking, "What on earth has he done this time?", and already starting to feel myself getting cross.
He gets in the car and instantly starts crying, then he tells me that he got in trouble for hitting someone again, and I just sat there in silence for a brief moment, breathing in deeply and trying to control my absolute frustration, anger, desperation and utter disappointment so I can try to respond appropriately, and I am thinking, "C'mon inner peace, I don't have all day."
Then he says through genuine, devastating tears, completely unprompted, "I just don't know what is wrong with me, my brain doesn't work properly, I know what I should do, but my body just does silly things before I know it, and then I feel so bad for what I have done straight away. I don't like myself anymore...I don't like being me...I am a bad person."
I pulled the car over, in tears myself now after hearing those tragic, sad words from my gorgeous, little five year old boy. I got him out of the car, lifted him up and cuddled him so close with his head on my shoulder and just held him while we both had a little cry for a moment.
I put him down and held his sweet, little face in my hands and looked him in the eyes, and I promised him that I would do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I can to help him learn to control his impulsiveness and to learn to slow down and be calmer. I had no idea what the answer was in my own head, just the sheer determination that I wouldn't ever give up until I found a way.
I had made a promise to my son that I was determined to keep, and I am a desperate woman and will try anything at this point, I normally like to know how things work before I use them, and hadn't had time to check the science of the drops out properly yet, but I logged on to the Naughty Naturopath Mum site and bought the Slow Down drops anyway.
The longest 2 days of my life went by waiting for the drops - (the shipping was super fast, but can you tell I was REALLY, REALLY desperate?), then FINALLY they arrived, they were here, could these be the answer I have been looking for?
I was hesitant to get excited yet, as everything else I had tried didn't work, so I didn't want to feel let down again, so I just put them in my bag and headed off that afternoon to school pick up. My three boys all get in the car from school and one says, "Mummy I love you so much, I really missed you today.", I say, "Awww, thank you gorgeous, I love and missed you today too!", next minute Mr 5 gets angry, "No I love mummy and really missed her today!", then it goes back and forth, "I did too", "No, I did the most.", "No I did!"
Now I will be completely honest here, this is one argument that I was almost enjoying a little too much and I was actually just tempted to let them continue to fight it out and just sit there basking in the glory of three of my four children fighting over how much they loved me for a moment, and then the responsible parent side of me, woke with a start and gave myself an imaginary slap across the face...the drops!!
My self talk went a little like this, "Hey, maybe I should just darn well take the drops myself, I don't think I can take this immediate arguing the second they get in the car? Now don't get cranky, just wait until we get home and give him the drops, be patient, you are the adult here....deep breaths, deep breaths, you can wait until you get home....aaaaaand poof! My patience is all gone...ta-da!!!" I come to my senses finally and just pull over and give him the drops to see if it helps.
We are all cranky at this point, so I say nothing but, "Open your mouth and stick up your tongue.". He must have seen the building frustration and intense grumpiness in my eyes, because weirdly, he complied instantly and silently and we drove home in silence, 15 minutes later, we get home and no one has still said a word, we all bundle out of the car and go inside silently.
They are not quiet all that often, so I think they all must have been quite confused, because instead of pulling over and getting grumpy, I had said nothing and given him these drops, I would love to know what they were thinking at that time in hindsight and what they thought I was giving him, ha ha ha! Instant self destruct drops? Ha ha ha, I hate to imagine!
Anyway, Mr 5 comes inside walking, (yes I said WALKING, not running) and at first I thought he might be unwell, I look at him utterly confused like I have seen a real life unicorn - he is not running, he is WALKING? What the? He looks so different when he is not a blur running past me....I can actually see his facial features clearly, he looks so different in slow motion...and he is just BEAUTIFUL!
He looks up at me with these big, blue eyes and WALKS over to me, "Mummy, I am sorry, that was really silly. I just want you to know that we all love you and that I am so sorry for being so silly in the car. " I cuddled him and said, "Thank you for saying that honey.", then quickly look at the drops, "Did you guys do this?". hmmm...I will reserve my judgement for now, but that was weird.
Well, I am happy to say that two weeks later, my child has received five golden tickets (cards for being EXTRA ESPECIALLY good at school), from different teachers in the school, (some who don't even know him!) and received a Principal's award certificate at assembly for, "It takes great strength to be sensible".
I NEVER EVER imagined HE would get an award for being sensible! AND, the PE teacher who asked if there was "something wrong with him" approached me at school yesterday and said that she had given him a golden ticket because he was so focused, calm, and concentrated so hard and tried his absolute best at something really tricky that everyone else gave up on and was having trouble with, she said in her words, "he was like a completely different child", normally he would be the first one frustrated and giving up if something was too tricky!
At home he has been calmer, walking instead of running, more helpful, trying harder at things and the most delightful child ever! I keep thinking I must be forgetting things at the moment because my life feels so much calmer, more organised and in control and not overwhelming!
We have used so much of the Slow Down drops, that we are getting very low already as I have been giving them to him religiously before school every day, to keep up the great run he is having.
I am actually too scared to stop them now that I know what life is like, "on the other side"!
Thank you so much Alisha. I can not thank you enough for the difference you have made in my life. With him being calmer, happier and more peaceful, our whole family is happier, calmer and in a really good place and nothing in the world is better than that.
I am a complete convert! I found the paediatrician referral forms I had printed out before I had bought the drops the other day, and I happily tore them in to tiny pieces with great satisfaction and relief.
Tearing up those forms was a cathartic experience, every tantrum, every argument, every phone call from school, every tearful night I had - all of those horrible moments and emotions were replaced with me calmly tearing up those papers and putting them in the bin feeling very proud of myself that I had kept my promise to my son that I would do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I could to help him learn to control his impulsiveness and to learn to slow down and be calmer.
I am teary writing this to you Alisha, because it means so much to me, I have my family back. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the most unexpected, but amazing solution to help my boy manage his emotions, it has been a life changing experience, and my husband who let's just say is VERY skeptical of most things, and who laughed at me when I suggested "flower drops" in his words, (I actually call him the "Marvellous Myth-Buster" because he just LOVES proving people wrong, ha ha ha, he drives me crazy, but bless him, he just darn well loves FACTS), but even HE is even looking online at the drops now and checking the other types out himself!!! Ha ha ha! 2 complete turn arounds in my house!
SO THANK YOU! I am so grateful, a million words could never express how much, even when I get completely lost in the moment and write a million words like above, it is STILL not enough words to express my gratitude! Feel a big, warm, grateful cuddle from me from across the miles Alisha! THANK YOU! - Fern
Can you see why I may have gotten bit teary and just had to share!? Thanks to all of you for reading this far and thanks so much to Fern who wrote this epic review. I'm sure it will help some other mum's out there give these 'Marvellous Myth Buster drops' a whirl. ;)
Find Slow Down blend HERE, in my Calm Kids Pack HERE, Fussy Eaters Pack HERE in my Back To School Pack HERE and in my Beginners Blends Pack HERE too!
Yours in Health,
Alisha x