What Can They Help With?
There are so many things the Flower Essence remedies can help with. Basically anything negative that is going on for you or your child right now, is a build up of stagnant energy that we can shift and move through for you.
This is often due to emotions that were not properly been expressed at the time due to not knowing how or not having enough time to process something.
Think of all the things that you have experienced in a lifetime... so please get in touch either through private message via my facebook page or e-mail me at alisha@naughtynaturopathmum.com.au if you are still wondering what blends to choose or whether you need a custom made blend made up.
What Can They Help With?
There are so many things the Flower Essence remedies can help with. Basically anything negative that is going on for you or your child right now, is a build up of stagnant energy that we can shift and move through for you.
This is often due to emotions that were not properly been expressed at the time due to not knowing how or not having enough time to process something.
Think of all the things that you have experienced in a lifetime... so please get in touch either through private message via my facebook page or e-mail me at alisha@naughtynaturopathmum.com.au if you are still wondering what blends to choose or whether you need a custom made blend made up.