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What are Flower Essences?

They are vibrational natural remedies that create subtle but very powerful shifts within the body. Flower Essences have been used for thousands of years in some cultures and were made popular in Western Medicine by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930's (you may already know of Bach flower remedies or the Bach Rescue Remedy which are based on the English native flowers). I use different blends of Australian Bush Flower essences as I believe they have a stronger frequency and work better in stronger personalities and constitutions.  Nowadays, flower essences are used by naturopaths, acupuncturists, energy healers, kinesiologists, homeopaths, paramedics and by some mental health practitioners. In a nutshell, the essences target the nervous system and provide energetic release of stored issues that may be blocking you from achieving emotional and physical balance. The body is always trying to reach a state of balance but due to living life with all it’s stresses and busyness, we sometimes carry the road blocks that prevent us from getting where we want to go. Once the emotion or memory has been released from the subconscious, the physical issue that came about from this emotion has the freedom to go back into balance.

What are Flower Essences?

They are vibrational natural remedies that create subtle but very powerful shifts within the body. Flower Essences have been used for thousands of years in some cultures and were made popular in Western Medicine by Dr Edward Bach in the 1930's (you may already know of Bach flower remedies or the Bach Rescue Remedy which are based on the English native flowers). I use different blends of Australian Bush Flower essences as I believe they have a stronger frequency and work better in stronger personalities and constitutions.  Nowadays, flower essences are used by naturopaths, acupuncturists, energy healers, kinesiologists, homeopaths, paramedics and by some mental health practitioners. In a nutshell, the essences target the nervous system and provide energetic release of stored issues that may be blocking you from achieving emotional and physical balance. The body is always trying to reach a state of balance but due to living life with all it’s stresses and busyness, we sometimes carry the road blocks that prevent us from getting where we want to go. Once the emotion or memory has been released from the subconscious, the physical issue that came about from this emotion has the freedom to go back into balance.