Child Custom Made Blend Pack
Child Custom Made Blend Pack
Child Custom Made Blend Pack

Child Custom Made Blend Pack

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This Custom Made Blend package gives your child a personal blend which we will formulate after you have answered some questions on behalf of your child.

This pack is suitable for children aged 2-18 years of age as the questionnaire will be filled in by the parent.

This is best for children who have specific issues that you would like to address or feel like your child needs all the ready made blends! 

Your questionnaire link will be e-mailed to you immediately after payment. Once you receive this e-mail, click on the link, fill in your answers and press submit. Please do this ASAP after ordering and please get in touch with us if you haven't received your questionnaire link immediately after placing your order. 

We will then formulate your child's custom blend which will address all the specific issues they are needing help with. This blend works on their constitution and shifting current emotional patterns. 

1 x 30ml Custom Child Blend 

1 x 30ml Help Blend which can be given as needed throughout the day or night. This can be useful for tantrums, melt-downs, sleeping issues, teething distress, shock, accidents, night terrors and children who are suffering from grief or sadness of any sort.

These drops help then and there and you can take some too! I always take Help Blend when I have to administer it to my kids as it just helps calm everyone down. I think every household should have this blend handy.

Give 7 drops of the custom blend every morning (upon waking) and every night (before going to sleep) until the bottle is gone (roughly 3 weeks). This can be given straight in mouth or in some water. Give 7 drops of Help blend on an 'as needed' basis or alongside the the Custom Blend

Blends can also be used in beverages and drink bottles (7 drops still) and you can use 20 drops per full sized bath for an auric cleanse (cleansing your outer energy layers, similar therapy as using our room and body mists)

Please store blends away from direct light and heat (can even go in the fridge in the Summer!) and try not to let the dropper come in contact with saliva to help keep your blends at their best!

Custom blend will be a mix of 7-9 vibrational flower essences (determined once we have formulated the blend) in a base of distilled water and a trace amount of preservative (Australian neutral cane ethanol)

Help blend - Vibrational infusion of water and flowers: Violet Butterfly, Cowkicks, Fuchsia Gum, Ribbon Pea, Reed Triggerplant, Australian neutral cane ethanol (trace amount as preservative).

Customer Reviews

Based on 37 reviews
Melissa Nevin
Very impressed

So it's been a couple weeks now using our 1st order, a custom for my 7yr old who has difficulty with emotional regulation and other things. We had her athletics carnival which would often be a day of me trying to buffer situations that might trigger her lest her have a melt down she later may regret. Well let me tell you, I got to sit on the side and enjoy the day, she came over twice and told me about something that would normally set her off but nothing😲, I even spoke to her teacher who said something early in the day started her spiraling but she could listen and understand and regulate. There have been times at home life and expectations have been too much so ive sprayed the 'let it go' over the 3 of then and literally 10min later they had stopped arguing and shouting and were back helping each other tidy. Just last week her teacher told me that school had been challenging as another pupil had been "alot" and she had managed to keep herself on an even keel for 3hrs which wouldn't have happened before she would have reacted to that energy and been a mess.
In my 1st order we were very kindly gifted the momma magic and mojo which I've been taking and am definitely finding myself more peaceful and calmer tackling the situations arising .
Overall thrilled and have ordered a second batch with a few different to help the rest of the house and have been sharing with other mum friends
My only dislike is we find the taste a bit urgh but it passes quickly and hasn't deterred any of us taking it

Melissa, our hearts are so full reading this review. It is wonderful how the Custom Blend Pack has been support your daughter in all of these examples AND also yourself (Mumma Magic and Mojo) and your family (Let It Go Mist). Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with the flower essences!

NNM Team xx

Bianca Berge
Just finished the 1st bottle

My 9yr old son has just finished his 1st bottle & we will be re-ordering. The blend has helped him with his worry about returning to school. He will happily take each morning & night as he says he just 'feels better' when he has them. I have noticed he is able to 'name' his big feelings which is making it easier to process & navigate.
Thanks so much!


Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience. It is magnificent to hear that you not only have you seen a difference, but even more importantly, your son is really noticing the change within himself. This is just wonderful to hear!

NNM Team xx

So grateful for wildflower essences

Master T has being using his custom blend and help blend morning and night since Jan 2022- 10mths.
Words can not describe the the support these essences give him.
They help him stay grounded, more able to regulate his emotions- no more major meltdowns (unless we’ve forgotten to take the drops for a few days), help him with focus at school.
He is happy and confident with them.
When asked his opinions on using flower essences and if he wishes to have his custom blend refilled it has always been met with a big YES.
At the beginning after the first bottle the reply was met with a “yes it helps
Me with school!”
Master T eagerly takes his essences (in water for us) as he knows support they give him.
Tomorrow is his first school camp and with the awesome help of the
Naughty Naturopath Mummy team helping us to met the schools requirements he is taking his essences on camp too.
This mum will be forever grateful for Alisha and her team for their unwavering support and customer service.
Thank you 🙏

Hi Renee. Thank you for this wonderful review! We were so happy to help and its great to heat that T's custom blend is supporting him. Much love, NNM Team xx

Refill ordered - it's helped our daughter :)

I believe that the custom blend is helping my daughter, I certainly notice that there are fewer “roll-y eyes” directed at me!!

But more importantly she seems happier, less leg ‘jittering’, and a bit calmer heading into her exams.

After 10 weeks of lockdown, eight of those being on-line learning and then preparing to take on her exams during the last 2 weeks of term 3, she had some concerns but appeared to approach the exams with less stress than I would have expected.

She has been taking the Custom Blend morning and night, putting Help drops in her glass of water and taking some Focus drops before each exam.

Last Monday 13/9 I decided to reorder the custom blend (50ml bottle). The morning of Tuesday 14/9 she said to me (pointing towards the custom blend bottle) “We’ll need to order some more of those as it looks like it’s empty, it was really hard to get 7 drops out of it this morning”

Firstly…. UGH!!! Kids!!!!

Secondly …. She obviously thought it was worth continuing to use the drops

Thirdly… Only a Mum would have already ordered it without knowing that the bottle was empty 😉

I asked if she thought that the drops were helping her, she said she thought that they would most likely help more if she was at school.

So hopefully when she finally returns to face-to-face learning she will benefit from these drops then as well.

P.S. – the re-order bottle arrived mid-day on Tuesday 14/9, in time for her night-time drops!!! Thanks for being super-quick!

Hi Tracey,

Thank you so much for getting in touch with this review! This is fantastic news to hear about your daughter! She’s had a lot to deal with and to go into exams with less stress than you would have expected - plus the additional benefits like less roll-y eyes ;) is just wonderful!

We loved your “firstly, secondly, thirdly” comment in the email - BRILLIANT! x

Anastasia Harrison
Blown away

My son had been getting into trouble at school so much this year. It was breaking my heart to know he was struggling so badly. I was ready to try anything. I filled out the questionnaire for the custom child blend and when it arrived my son was just as excited as I was to have his drops. He is so willing to take them which was a shock in itself.
Today, about 3 weeks after first starting the drops, he received a merit certificate at school! The change in him has been amazing. Thank you so much

Thank you Anastasia for taking the time to write this review. We are so happy you're blown away with your son's custom blend pack. We feel so honoured to make these special blends and are very grateful for the opportunity. Let your son know we too are proud of him also. xx

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Since my daughter was born 6 years ago, I've been "that mum".. That mum who has to leave a party early because my daughter has lost control of her emotions and behaviour, that mum who looks over her shoulder to see who is watching and judging as my daughter yells at me "No!" And that mum who is exhausted.

Thank you so much Naughty Naturopath Mum and team, you have made such a difference in such a short amount of time! It really is liquid magic! The household is so much calmer now. I wish I found you earlier. These flower essences AKA magic drops obviously hasn't changed my daughter's amazing personality, but it's changed the way she speaks to her sister and myself, her self love and her confidence at school and sport drop offs. Thank you so much, from the bottom of "this mumma's" heart because it has truly been magical.

I also wanted to add, I was blown away by how quickly I received correspondence and the delivery once I made an order. I've been sharing my beautiful experience with my friends! Thank you! X

It really is liquid magic!

Since my daughter was born 6 years ago, I've been "that mum".. That mum who has to leave a party early because my daughter has lost control of her emotions and behaviour, that mum who looks over her shoulder to see who is watching and judging as my daughter yells at me "No!" And that mum who is exhausted.
Thank you so much Naughty Naturopath Mum and team, you have made such a difference in such a short amount of time! It really is liquid magic! The household is so much calmer now. I wish I found you earlier. These flower essences AKA magic drops obviously hasn't changed my daughter's amazing personality, but it's changed the way she speaks to her sister and myself, her self love and her confidence at school and sport drop offs. Thank you so much, from the bottom of "this mumma's" heart because it has truly been magical.
I also wanted to add, I was blown away by how quickly I received correspondence and the delivery once I made an order. I've been sharing my beautiful experience with my friends! Thank you! X
P.s- my husband who is the ultimate, absolute number one sceptic of EVERRRRRYTHING actually swears by these magic flower essence drops! If that ain't proof....