Flourless Chocolate Pear Cake
My lovely friend Amber made this amazing cake for us and our family absolutely loved it! To have a gluten free cake brought to your house that you haven't had to cook? Amazing. It tasted great before I even tried it, if you know what I mean! 🙂
I asked for the recipe (of course) and as she had found it in an old magazine at her mum's house, she typed it up and e-mailed it to me. I made a few healthy changes (I can't help myself) and voila, a new cake recipe to add to the blog!
I hope you enjoy!

A great occasion cake if decorated with more pear on top and raspberries and cream (as above) or even just left undressed for a morning/afternoon tea to have with a warm cuppa. 🙂
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
Flourless Chocolate Pear Cake
My lovely friend Amber made this amazing cake for us and our family absolutely loved it! To have a gluten free cake brought to your house that you haven't had to cook? Amazing. It tasted great before I even tried it, if you know what I mean! 🙂
I asked for the recipe (of course) and as she had found it in an old magazine at her mum's house, she typed it up and e-mailed it to me. I made a few healthy changes (I can't help myself) and voila, a new cake recipe to add to the blog!
I hope you enjoy!