Chia Puddings!
Chia puddings are the best!
They are so easy to make and so healthy for you.
Another magnificent thing about these tasty treats is that they are gluten free and dairy free. Well mine are anyway, but you can certainly use dairy if you wish.
They are so versatile that you can eat them for breakfast or dessert or even a snack.
Either way, it's always time for a chia pudding!
Now there are so many ways you can make these, I'm just going to outline how I make mine. I vary what I add to them depending what's in the fridge/pantry/fruit bowl!
chia seeds - about 1-2 tablespoons per pudding (for all the health benefits of chia, please read my chia blog here)
50ml organic coconut cream per pudding
1/2 teaspoon of honey per pudding (optional and only if you need more sweetness than fruit provides)
fruit of your choice (I love using mango, berries, kiwi fruit, plums, bananas- just cut up as much as you'd like to serve per person)
100ml almond milk per pudding (or milk of your choice)
1 teaspoon or 2 grams per pudding of a superfood powder (this is optional but of course adding powders like maca, acai or greens: spirulina, wheat or barley grass powders etc. really gives you an extra oomph!)
1 level teaspoon of cacao per pudding (but this is optional if you don't want it chocolatey, but I highly recommend as it will boost the antioxidant activity of your pudding even further!)
Method for two serves
Take two glasses or you can use bowls, and sometimes we like to use wine glasses as it makes me feel fancy!
You can even use some airtight containers if you want to pack for a work or school lunch snack.
First put the chia seeds in the bottom of glass and add coconut cream and honey.
Give a stir and then leave to soak overnight in fridge for brekkie or for a full day if making dessert.
You will find that after soaking, you will have a nice firm pudding consistency as the chia seeds have absorbed the liquid. This is when you put your cut up fruit on top.
Then in a separate glass or bowl, mix almond milk and cacao powder, stir well and tip over the fruit.
Sprinkle superfood powder on top and voila! The healthiest, most nutrient and antioxidant packed fibre full pudding!
There are so many options, it would be too hard to describe all the different ways you can make these things! Sprinkle crushed nuts or LSA, add freshly chopped mint or zest lemon or orange rind over the top!
It really depends on your mood and what you have in the house.
And if you need any further convincing on why you should make some chia puddings, don't forget to check out the health benefits of Chia seeds HERE
Yours In Health,
Alisha x
Chia Puddings!
Chia puddings are the best!
They are so easy to make and so healthy for you.
Another magnificent thing about these tasty treats is that they are gluten free and dairy free. Well mine are anyway, but you can certainly use dairy if you wish.
They are so versatile that you can eat them for breakfast or dessert or even a snack.
Either way, it's always time for a chia pudding!
Now there are so many ways you can make these, I'm just going to outline how I make mine. I vary what I add to them depending what's in the fridge/pantry/fruit bowl!
chia seeds - about 1-2 tablespoons per pudding (for all the health benefits of chia, please read my chia blog here)
50ml organic coconut cream per pudding
1/2 teaspoon of honey per pudding (optional and only if you need more sweetness than fruit provides)
fruit of your choice (I love using mango, berries, kiwi fruit, plums, bananas- just cut up as much as you'd like to serve per person)
100ml almond milk per pudding (or milk of your choice)
1 teaspoon or 2 grams per pudding of a superfood powder (this is optional but of course adding powders like maca, acai or greens: spirulina, wheat or barley grass powders etc. really gives you an extra oomph!)
1 level teaspoon of cacao per pudding (but this is optional if you don't want it chocolatey, but I highly recommend as it will boost the antioxidant activity of your pudding even further!)
Method for two serves
Take two glasses or you can use bowls, and sometimes we like to use wine glasses as it makes me feel fancy!
You can even use some airtight containers if you want to pack for a work or school lunch snack.
First put the chia seeds in the bottom of glass and add coconut cream and honey.
Give a stir and then leave to soak overnight in fridge for brekkie or for a full day if making dessert.
You will find that after soaking, you will have a nice firm pudding consistency as the chia seeds have absorbed the liquid. This is when you put your cut up fruit on top.
Then in a separate glass or bowl, mix almond milk and cacao powder, stir well and tip over the fruit.
Sprinkle superfood powder on top and voila! The healthiest, most nutrient and antioxidant packed fibre full pudding!
There are so many options, it would be too hard to describe all the different ways you can make these things! Sprinkle crushed nuts or LSA, add freshly chopped mint or zest lemon or orange rind over the top!
It really depends on your mood and what you have in the house.
And if you need any further convincing on why you should make some chia puddings, don't forget to check out the health benefits of Chia seeds HERE
Yours In Health,
Alisha x