Get Rid of Guilt
Get rid of guilt is the perfect title for this blog because that's all I want to remind you of.
Woke up with mama guilt today....
You know where you wake up thinking of all the things you're not doing so great at?
I was working too much even while I was trying to parent yesterday...
I haven't called people back...
I haven't written this week's blog yet...
We had takeaway for dinner last night because I couldn't be bothered cooking...
I forgot that my son had Futsal training and hadn't washed his gear...
I was on my phone too much (again)....
At least my guilt has nothing to do with whether my kids will eat today. Whether they will have clean water or be safe from the elements today like some mummas from around the world.
Guilt is a thing we all suffer from no matter who we are, but shifting it as soon as it arises is important. We don't want to base any future actions on guilt from yesterday.Get Rid of Guilt
Get rid of guilt is the perfect title for this blog because that's all I want to remind you of.
Woke up with mama guilt today....
You know where you wake up thinking of all the things you're not doing so great at?
I was working too much even while I was trying to parent yesterday...
I haven't called people back...
I haven't written this week's blog yet...
We had takeaway for dinner last night because I couldn't be bothered cooking...
I forgot that my son had Futsal training and hadn't washed his gear...
I was on my phone too much (again)....