A Story About a Mum Like You....
I had such an amazing response to a story I wrote on my Facebook page last night, that I had to put it in a blog in case it was ever needed for a mum to be reassured.
To feel part of this big club of mums just trying to do their best for their kids and their health.
Because at the end of the day we need to trust. We need to share. We need to give ourselves a break. We need to throw our hands in the air and just accept.
Or cry. Or have a wine. Or get over ourselves.
And I say this with such love and respect. I just think we often forget that nothing is in our control and we have to be happy with doing the best that we know.
So this is for any mums like me, I hope it helps you feel better about your parenting journey.
Once upon a time there was a mum who did all she knew how to do when it came to the health of her kids.
She fed them a whole foods diet and kept them off gluten, additives and sugar as much as she could.
She had them on a daily probiotic. She had them on immune boosting herbs over winter. She had them on extra nutritional supplements as soon as there was a sign of a sniffle.
A Story About a Mum Like You....
I had such an amazing response to a story I wrote on my Facebook page last night, that I had to put it in a blog in case it was ever needed for a mum to be reassured.
To feel part of this big club of mums just trying to do their best for their kids and their health.
Because at the end of the day we need to trust. We need to share. We need to give ourselves a break. We need to throw our hands in the air and just accept.
Or cry. Or have a wine. Or get over ourselves.
And I say this with such love and respect. I just think we often forget that nothing is in our control and we have to be happy with doing the best that we know.
So this is for any mums like me, I hope it helps you feel better about your parenting journey.
Once upon a time there was a mum who did all she knew how to do when it came to the health of her kids.
She fed them a whole foods diet and kept them off gluten, additives and sugar as much as she could.
She had them on a daily probiotic. She had them on immune boosting herbs over winter. She had them on extra nutritional supplements as soon as there was a sign of a sniffle.