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The one where I did a cleanse

My husband has been feeling a bit run down lately and asked me if I could do a cleanse with him! I am usually the one to initiate these things so I was so proud when he asked me - "doesn't everything start with the gut? Isn't that what I should work on first?" And the answer (naturopathically speaking) is almost always YES!"

We used to do a gut health cleanse twice a year before the kids came along as that was just part of my life since starting my studies in naturopathy back in 1997! But lately with life being a bit crazy and parenting two young teens now, it hasn't been on my list of priorities. So slowly, those twice a year gut cleanses, turned into once a year, then once every 2 years! So yep, we were definitely due and we are currently on day 10 of our latest cleanse.

Cleansing does not have to be full-on! It can simply be removing the inflammatory foods and drinks that make our gut work really hard and by doing that, we give the body a chance to cleanse itself. I have all the info you need about doing it this way in this blog here.

As my hubby had been feeling so run down lately, I did go up a notch from just removing the inflammatory aspects of our diet and also put us on a herbal protocol. There are many great anti-parasitic and gut cleanse products out there but this one is easy for us as it's all in capsule form. Hooray my husband yells, no yucky powders or liquids! Because believe me, he has had to put up with that a lot in the past! 🤭

So this is something I put together as I know what's in these products and I know how I like to go about things (good quality herbs, the right type of probiotics for a cleanse and something to keep the bowels emptying and moving regularly). This is not sponsored in any way and please make sure you check with your health practitioner before embarking upon anything new as protocols like this need support, experience and sometimes, adjustments to current medications! My husband is type 1 diabetic and on this cleanse has gone from using 46 units of insulin per night and is now down to 39 units so he doesn't get low blood sugars during the night etc.

So the company is Global Healing and they are based in America so I buy from an Australian distributor called Detox 4 Life and this is what I have us doing:

🌿 Take 3 capsules of Paratrex and 1 capsule of Latero-Flora every morning 20 minutes before your morning meal.

🌿 Take 3 more capsules of Paratrex and 3 capsules of Candida Balance 20 minutes before your afternoon meal or dinner

🌿Before bed - 4 oxy-powder capsules plus 1 latero- flora

And I also started our cleanse off with a 100% organic and plant based diet for the first 5 days. To save me the hassle and prep time, I went with ordering from Sol Cleanse, a variety of juices, smoothies, soups, salads and curries for our first 5 days. 

And then from day 6 onwards, still sticking to juices and salads and protein smoothies as well as adding in some fish, chicken and eggs. We will do this until we have finished our cleanse protocol!

And just a reminder that whatever you do to your physical body, you also do to your energetic and emotional body so big emotions and lots of anger can be shifted during a cleanse! I had forgotten this little fact and forgot about having my husband and I on my Cleanse blend until we got to day 4! So we are both taking that twice daily at the moment which has helped things IMMENSELY and we are no longer at risk of divorce!

We are also doing Infrared Saunas at home when we get the chance which helps us sweat out more of those toxins and keeping up our gentle walks and exercises. 

So I hope that info helps someone thinking of doing any type of cleanse at the moment and never forget our body is DESIGNED to detox and clean itself thanks to our liver, kidneys, lungs and skin so the longer you can remove the inflammatory aspects of your lifestyle, the more your body has a chance of doing it's clean up job without the extra stuff needing to be done on top!

Yours in Health,


The one where I did a cleanse

My husband has been feeling a bit run down lately and asked me if I could do a cleanse with him! I am usually the one to initiate these things so I was so proud when he asked me - "doesn't everything start with the gut? Isn't that what I should work on first?" And the answer (naturopathically speaking) is almost always YES!"

We used to do a gut health cleanse twice a year before the kids came along as that was just part of my life since starting my studies in naturopathy back in 1997! But lately with life being a bit crazy and parenting two young teens now, it hasn't been on my list of priorities. So slowly, those twice a year gut cleanses, turned into once a year, then once every 2 years! So yep, we were definitely due and we are currently on day 10 of our latest cleanse.

Cleansing does not have to be full-on! It can simply be removing the inflammatory foods and drinks that make our gut work really hard and by doing that, we give the body a chance to cleanse itself. I have all the info you need about doing it this way in this blog here.

As my hubby had been feeling so run down lately, I did go up a notch from just removing the inflammatory aspects of our diet and also put us on a herbal protocol. There are many great anti-parasitic and gut cleanse products out there but this one is easy for us as it's all in capsule form. Hooray my husband yells, no yucky powders or liquids! Because believe me, he has had to put up with that a lot in the past! 🤭

So this is something I put together as I know what's in these products and I know how I like to go about things (good quality herbs, the right type of probiotics for a cleanse and something to keep the bowels emptying and moving regularly). This is not sponsored in any way and please make sure you check with your health practitioner before embarking upon anything new as protocols like this need support, experience and sometimes, adjustments to current medications! My husband is type 1 diabetic and on this cleanse has gone from using 46 units of insulin per night and is now down to 39 units so he doesn't get low blood sugars during the night etc.

So the company is Global Healing and they are based in America so I buy from an Australian distributor called Detox 4 Life and this is what I have us doing:

🌿 Take 3 capsules of Paratrex and 1 capsule of Latero-Flora every morning 20 minutes before your morning meal.

🌿 Take 3 more capsules of Paratrex and 3 capsules of Candida Balance 20 minutes before your afternoon meal or dinner

🌿Before bed - 4 oxy-powder capsules plus 1 latero- flora

And I also started our cleanse off with a 100% organic and plant based diet for the first 5 days. To save me the hassle and prep time, I went with ordering from Sol Cleanse, a variety of juices, smoothies, soups, salads and curries for our first 5 days. 

And then from day 6 onwards, still sticking to juices and salads and protein smoothies as well as adding in some fish, chicken and eggs. We will do this until we have finished our cleanse protocol!

And just a reminder that whatever you do to your physical body, you also do to your energetic and emotional body so big emotions and lots of anger can be shifted during a cleanse! I had forgotten this little fact and forgot about having my husband and I on my Cleanse blend until we got to day 4! So we are both taking that twice daily at the moment which has helped things IMMENSELY and we are no longer at risk of divorce!

We are also doing Infrared Saunas at home when we get the chance which helps us sweat out more of those toxins and keeping up our gentle walks and exercises. 

So I hope that info helps someone thinking of doing any type of cleanse at the moment and never forget our body is DESIGNED to detox and clean itself thanks to our liver, kidneys, lungs and skin so the longer you can remove the inflammatory aspects of your lifestyle, the more your body has a chance of doing it's clean up job without the extra stuff needing to be done on top!

Yours in Health,
