A big list of resources to support your life while staying home
People need people. We need each other more than ever right now and it's so wonderful to have so many individuals and businesses sharing so many resources, services and ideas to support each other in this strange time.
We've had our world turned upside down and while it will right itself (as a new and improved earth, methinks!) in the meantime, we have to adjust to physical distancing, losing our jobs, working from home, home schooling (or just home coping!) our kids.
So that's why I am so grateful for our online communities right now and the amazing things people are doing to help us and thought it might be handy to have a nice bunch of them to refer to all in the one place! I've broken them up into categories for an easier reference. So without further ado....
Physical Activity
For indoor exercise, you can do free online classes at the moment! Ones that are full of value and have caught my eye are:
PE with Joe which are live every weekday at 9am on Youtube! The Body Coach is doing fun and active PE classes for kids who are home right now (I join in too!)
The Merry Maker Sisters offer online yoga and pilates classes.
Chris Hemsworth (yes, the actor/cutie patootie) has an awesome health and fitness course! You can sign up for that HERE.
For fun kids activities, here is a list of 50 awesome things to do with kids at home thanks to Good Housekeeping.
Penelope Jane Jones and friends have started the Write With You Project to support families and children during Covid-19. As libraries are closed, they will be writing, illustrating and publishing a free e-book every fortnight for the kids so sign up for that HERE.
If you and/or the kids love to draw, Carson Ellis is an amazing artist that is holding a lovely challenge. It's a simple prompt art challenge and an associated hashtag to share and see the interpretations.Details & challenge HERE and find her on instagram @carsonellis.
And if colouring-in while working on your gratitude right now sounds fun, click HERE for 30 days of free printable colouring worksheets consisting of positive affirmations and gratitude entries.
Firstly, if you are feeling strung out about homeschooling, I want you to take your Mumma Magic blend or Like A Boss blend and read this post HERE which is an amazing letter from a principal about what is most important right now.
Don't sweat it ok? Nothing more important than you creating memories with your kids at the moment, spending quality time together (and apart!) and all of you looking after your emotional health FIRST- whatever that may mean for you.
For educational activities that your kids can do at home, I can't go past this amazing list put together by Jean Parnell.
Here's a great list of free online learning activities thanks to Fun in First!
The entire list of education companies offering free subscriptions due to school closings HERE thanks to Kids Activities!
A list of virtual field trips to do with your kids HERE thanks to Get Out With Kids.
My friend Elise Easedown who runs Whatson4kids has also started a FB group called The Unexpected Homeschooler and has also prepared a wonderful list of resources HERE.
Leonie Dawson is someone else who has put together a great list of homeschooling resources as well as some great advice from a seasoned homeschooler and you can find that HERE.
Parenting Support
If you are struggling as a parent right now, don't forget there are resources to utilise. I'm a big fan of Maggie Dent, Steve Biddulph and Dr Justin Coulson so go check them out and all the resources and books they have to offer.
A beautiful friend of mine, Amy Taylor Kabbaz, has an amazing podcast and programs designed to help support mothers. I think us mums need all the support we can get right now, so check out Amy and her resources HERE.
Emotional Health
I found this article one of the best I have read for emotional health during self isolation time. Please do yourself a massive favour and read it HERE thoughtfully written by Eileen M Feliciano, Psy.D.
For some emotional support, the incredible Marianne Williamson is currently offering her 365 Days Course in Miracles absolutely free! This is an amazing course and one I am doing again at the moment thanks to this lovely offer so do check that out HERE.
There are some other great people to follow on social media that make it their mission to support your emotional health so if you aren't already following them, please look up the following legends: Elizabeth Gilbert, Glennon Doyle, Brene Brown, Rob Bell, Danielle LaPorte, Russell Brand and I'm sure there are many others to uplift, inspire and motivate you - but these are my faves.
Lots of free meditation courses are running right now and starting or ending your day with a bit of me time listening to one of these will help you so much. Or even when the kids are napping or on technology, put your feet up and bliss out to these:
New to meditation? Click HERE and HERE.
A list of 70 free meditations to choose from HERE.
And there are some great meditation and mindfulness apps and here's a list of the best free ones.
Working from Home
My mate, Mel Kettle is doing free weekly webinars at the moment to help you stay focused and connected working from home. Mel is wonderful at supporting people in this area and has worked from home for many years now so knows all the tips and tricks! Sign up to her webinars HERE.
And I love these expert tips to put in place while working from home with possibly other people sharing your space! Read the tips HERE.
Gratitude and Kindness
As much as most of us can have a love/hate relationship with social media, it really is helping us in so many ways at the moment and there is an amazing group that brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes every day at the moment. It's people sharing all the ways they are seeing kindness demonstrated through all this. It's called the Kindness Pandemic and if you are on Facebook, I highly recommend joining.
Don't forget to join in on my gratitude project on socials, where we post a pic every day of something we are grateful for at the moment and use the hashtag #nnmgratitude so I can find it. I'm running this on both Facebook and Instagram. I love seeing what people are grateful for right now and this helps turn our focus on all the good in our lives.
I've had the conversation with my kids about what a historical time this is and how it's important for us to document it, as we are literally living history. The year 2020 will be studied in history books in years to come and keeping a record of this time will be so interesting for our family members down the track to read (my kids freaked out when I mentioned their kids or grandchildren might like to read these one day!)
So I bought us all a special dedicated notepad to journal in each day. They can be filled with our words, our pictures or even cut out pics from magazines to help us express what we are doing and how we are feeling each day. We are dedicating fifteen mins (or more if you wanted) to write, draw or paste into these journals. Maybe it's something you'd like to do too?
Extra Support
This google document lists absolutely everything you can think of when it comes to online resources right now. It covers so many areas for you and the kids so look through and click away to your heart's content. Thanks so much to teacher Joy Novack Rosson for compiling the Absolutely EVERYTHING List.
And if you are feeling this strange and uncomfortable feeling right now due to what's going on, I would love you to read this article here by Scott Berinato entitled That Discomfort You're Feeling is Grief.
My Resources
With more time at home, it's great to get cooking so please find all sorts of easy and yummy recipes HERE.
I also have an extensive blog library so whether you'd like to read about Gut Health, Emotional Health, Physical Health or all the different ways you can look after yourself, there are plenty of them to go through so please find my other blogs HERE.
And please support your emotional health with some flower essences right now. I don't think there has ever been such a good time to concentrate on our emotional health and supporting this as needed. You can find my Flower Essence Blends HERE and my Flower Essence Mists HERE.
My Note To Self Affirmation cards are a great reminder to look after yourself. You can pull a new card and message each day. My kids love doing this too and as we all have our own decks, we love to share which message we got for the day and reading them out to each other. You can check these out HERE.
And if you think someone needs an emotional care package sent to them right now, you can check out my Gift Ideas section HERE.
Well I'm pretty sure this is the most links I have ever placed in one blog and I do hope it keeps you busy - in a good way! Remember we are all in this together and you have a large community online to reach out to so please do.
We are here for you. And if you can think of anyone that might find this blog useful, I would love you to share it along.
Yours in Self Isolation,
Alisha x
A big list of resources to support your life while staying home
People need people. We need each other more than ever right now and it's so wonderful to have so many individuals and businesses sharing so many resources, services and ideas to support each other in this strange time.
We've had our world turned upside down and while it will right itself (as a new and improved earth, methinks!) in the meantime, we have to adjust to physical distancing, losing our jobs, working from home, home schooling (or just home coping!) our kids.
So that's why I am so grateful for our online communities right now and the amazing things people are doing to help us and thought it might be handy to have a nice bunch of them to refer to all in the one place! I've broken them up into categories for an easier reference. So without further ado....
Physical Activity
For indoor exercise, you can do free online classes at the moment! Ones that are full of value and have caught my eye are:
PE with Joe which are live every weekday at 9am on Youtube! The Body Coach is doing fun and active PE classes for kids who are home right now (I join in too!)
The Merry Maker Sisters offer online yoga and pilates classes.
Chris Hemsworth (yes, the actor/cutie patootie) has an awesome health and fitness course! You can sign up for that HERE.
For fun kids activities, here is a list of 50 awesome things to do with kids at home thanks to Good Housekeeping.
Penelope Jane Jones and friends have started the Write With You Project to support families and children during Covid-19. As libraries are closed, they will be writing, illustrating and publishing a free e-book every fortnight for the kids so sign up for that HERE.
If you and/or the kids love to draw, Carson Ellis is an amazing artist that is holding a lovely challenge. It's a simple prompt art challenge and an associated hashtag to share and see the interpretations.Details & challenge HERE and find her on instagram @carsonellis.
And if colouring-in while working on your gratitude right now sounds fun, click HERE for 30 days of free printable colouring worksheets consisting of positive affirmations and gratitude entries.
Firstly, if you are feeling strung out about homeschooling, I want you to take your Mumma Magic blend or Like A Boss blend and read this post HERE which is an amazing letter from a principal about what is most important right now.
Don't sweat it ok? Nothing more important than you creating memories with your kids at the moment, spending quality time together (and apart!) and all of you looking after your emotional health FIRST- whatever that may mean for you.
For educational activities that your kids can do at home, I can't go past this amazing list put together by Jean Parnell.
Here's a great list of free online learning activities thanks to Fun in First!
The entire list of education companies offering free subscriptions due to school closings HERE thanks to Kids Activities!
A list of virtual field trips to do with your kids HERE thanks to Get Out With Kids.
My friend Elise Easedown who runs Whatson4kids has also started a FB group called The Unexpected Homeschooler and has also prepared a wonderful list of resources HERE.
Leonie Dawson is someone else who has put together a great list of homeschooling resources as well as some great advice from a seasoned homeschooler and you can find that HERE.
Parenting Support
If you are struggling as a parent right now, don't forget there are resources to utilise. I'm a big fan of Maggie Dent, Steve Biddulph and Dr Justin Coulson so go check them out and all the resources and books they have to offer.
A beautiful friend of mine, Amy Taylor Kabbaz, has an amazing podcast and programs designed to help support mothers. I think us mums need all the support we can get right now, so check out Amy and her resources HERE.
Emotional Health
I found this article one of the best I have read for emotional health during self isolation time. Please do yourself a massive favour and read it HERE thoughtfully written by Eileen M Feliciano, Psy.D.
For some emotional support, the incredible Marianne Williamson is currently offering her 365 Days Course in Miracles absolutely free! This is an amazing course and one I am doing again at the moment thanks to this lovely offer so do check that out HERE.
There are some other great people to follow on social media that make it their mission to support your emotional health so if you aren't already following them, please look up the following legends: Elizabeth Gilbert, Glennon Doyle, Brene Brown, Rob Bell, Danielle LaPorte, Russell Brand and I'm sure there are many others to uplift, inspire and motivate you - but these are my faves.
Lots of free meditation courses are running right now and starting or ending your day with a bit of me time listening to one of these will help you so much. Or even when the kids are napping or on technology, put your feet up and bliss out to these:
New to meditation? Click HERE and HERE.
A list of 70 free meditations to choose from HERE.
And there are some great meditation and mindfulness apps and here's a list of the best free ones.
Working from Home
My mate, Mel Kettle is doing free weekly webinars at the moment to help you stay focused and connected working from home. Mel is wonderful at supporting people in this area and has worked from home for many years now so knows all the tips and tricks! Sign up to her webinars HERE.
And I love these expert tips to put in place while working from home with possibly other people sharing your space! Read the tips HERE.
Gratitude and Kindness
As much as most of us can have a love/hate relationship with social media, it really is helping us in so many ways at the moment and there is an amazing group that brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes every day at the moment. It's people sharing all the ways they are seeing kindness demonstrated through all this. It's called the Kindness Pandemic and if you are on Facebook, I highly recommend joining.
Don't forget to join in on my gratitude project on socials, where we post a pic every day of something we are grateful for at the moment and use the hashtag #nnmgratitude so I can find it. I'm running this on both Facebook and Instagram. I love seeing what people are grateful for right now and this helps turn our focus on all the good in our lives.
I've had the conversation with my kids about what a historical time this is and how it's important for us to document it, as we are literally living history. The year 2020 will be studied in history books in years to come and keeping a record of this time will be so interesting for our family members down the track to read (my kids freaked out when I mentioned their kids or grandchildren might like to read these one day!)
So I bought us all a special dedicated notepad to journal in each day. They can be filled with our words, our pictures or even cut out pics from magazines to help us express what we are doing and how we are feeling each day. We are dedicating fifteen mins (or more if you wanted) to write, draw or paste into these journals. Maybe it's something you'd like to do too?
Extra Support
This google document lists absolutely everything you can think of when it comes to online resources right now. It covers so many areas for you and the kids so look through and click away to your heart's content. Thanks so much to teacher Joy Novack Rosson for compiling the Absolutely EVERYTHING List.
And if you are feeling this strange and uncomfortable feeling right now due to what's going on, I would love you to read this article here by Scott Berinato entitled That Discomfort You're Feeling is Grief.
My Resources
With more time at home, it's great to get cooking so please find all sorts of easy and yummy recipes HERE.
I also have an extensive blog library so whether you'd like to read about Gut Health, Emotional Health, Physical Health or all the different ways you can look after yourself, there are plenty of them to go through so please find my other blogs HERE.
And please support your emotional health with some flower essences right now. I don't think there has ever been such a good time to concentrate on our emotional health and supporting this as needed. You can find my Flower Essence Blends HERE and my Flower Essence Mists HERE.
My Note To Self Affirmation cards are a great reminder to look after yourself. You can pull a new card and message each day. My kids love doing this too and as we all have our own decks, we love to share which message we got for the day and reading them out to each other. You can check these out HERE.
And if you think someone needs an emotional care package sent to them right now, you can check out my Gift Ideas section HERE.
Well I'm pretty sure this is the most links I have ever placed in one blog and I do hope it keeps you busy - in a good way! Remember we are all in this together and you have a large community online to reach out to so please do.
We are here for you. And if you can think of anyone that might find this blog useful, I would love you to share it along.
Yours in Self Isolation,
Alisha x