Full Moon in Virgo - March 14th
March is upon us, and with it, the vibrant energy of the Worm Moon! This month, the full moon graces us on March 14th at 5:55pm AEDT, and as always, its luminous presence will be felt for a few nights surrounding the peak. Unlike the snowy landscapes of the Northern Hemisphere, where the Worm Moon heralds the thawing earth and the return of earthworms (hence the name!), we in Australia are experiencing the shift into autumn, a time of gentle transition and preparation.
This Worm Moon falls in the sign of Virgo, a sign known for its practicality, attention to detail, and a deep connection to nature. This brings a different energy compared to the fiery Leo of the Snow Moon. Where Leo encouraged us to shine and express ourselves boldly, Virgo invites us to refine, organise, and nurture.
Lucky for us Australians, on Friday we'll have a short (but amazing!) opportunity to witness a rare Blood Moon, where the full moon will be bathed in red light. This happens when the Earth passes directly between the sun and the moon, blocking all direct sunlight from reaching the moon's surface.
The Blood Moon will last about 55 to 80 minutes, and can be seen around these times in Australia:
- Sydney – 7.13pm
- Melbourne – 7.40pm
- Brisbane – 6.04pm
- Canberra – 7.22pm
- Adelaide – 7.35pm
- Darwin – 7.02pm
- Hobart – 7.32pm
Unfortunately for our Perth friends, it's unlikely to be visible on their side of Australia.
It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically.
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies!
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at its fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
The Worm Moon in Virgo peaks on March 14th. This lunar phase encourages us to:
Embrace order and clarity: Virgo's energy helps us to organise our thoughts, our spaces, and our lives. So if you need to plan anything out at work or home, it's a good time to use that new 2025 planner that may be still sitting there waiting for you to use it! Or enter upcoming appointments and events into your phone calendar and map out the next month. You may also want to declutter some spaces that have been bugging you - clean out the car or the toy room, maybe that laundry cupboard or maybe your living space. What do you feel needs to go to bring in new energy?
Focus on wellness: This is a time to prioritise our physical and mental health. Is it time for a mini gut health cleanse to rest your overall physical health? Is it time to make some psych or counselling appointments or at least get yourself on a waiting list! Or maybe it's time to get into more walking now the weather is cooling or signing up to a new exercise class. Can you get off Netflix earlier and start getting an extra 30-60 mins of sleep at night?
Cultivate gratitude: Appreciate the small details and the simple joys in life. Gratitude journaling is a great way to do this or get everyone in your household to state one thing they are grateful for each night at the dinner table as part of your family conversation.
Connect with nature: Spend time outdoors and feel the grounding energy of the earth. Pot some plants and get your hands into the soil or if you live near the beach, take a walk and a swim. Or take the kids or the dog to the park and just sit and feel the fresh air and be near the trees.
- Reflect and refine: Assess our goals and make adjustments as needed. A great time to see if you are on track for any goals you set at work or home at the beginning of the year and maybe tweak what is and isn't working for you. Are you being realistic with what you are trying to achieve? Is there anything you should relax on or maybe ramp up? For example, I've decided in my house that us all eating around the table every night isn't working and I'm relaxing into more tv dinners! And I'm ramping up my social media content as it's brining me joy to connect and create.
Supporting Your Kids During the Worm Moon
The Worm Moon's energy can also influence children. Here's how to support them:
- Encourage them to organise their belongings. Tidying rooms and donating anything they have outgrown. Clean out pencil cases or art supply boxes.
- Check in with older kids plans and add them to the family calendar or your phone so you know what they are up to. Encourage any planning of weekends or even chat about where they might like to visit or go to in the near future ands see if you can plan a day visit somewhere they might want to go.
- Promote healthy habits and routines. Get them to go shopping with you and ask them to pick out some new fruit or veg they might like to try. Chat to your older kids about how healthy foods really makes a difference to their skin and their energy levels. Also maybe chat about how much sleep they are getting at night and whether you can do anything to help them get more!
- Spend time outdoors together and connect with nature. Park and beach time would be brilliant but even if you can get them to have a walk around the block with you. Try to spot birds or flowers or name a tree you see. Good luck with getting your teens outdoors but modelling being in the outdoors as much as possible will sink in and benefit them one day!
- Practice simple mindful activities like breathing exercises. Show younger kids your favourite mindful practices - I love the 5,4,3,2,1 exercise and I do it when I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed (as well as taking my Help blend!) which is simply naming 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste. Check in with older kids if they have something they use to connect to their breath or slow down their minds. Tell them to grab Slow Down or Help blend/mist and to check out the Calm app or any mindful and breathing exercises on YouTube!
Full Moon Rituals
Enhance your connection to the Worm Moon with these rituals:
Earth connection: Spend time barefoot on the earth to ground your energy.
Cleanse and purify: Cleanse your space with sage or one of our flower essence mists - I love Cleanse and Protect for my house.
Journaling: Reflect on your goals and create a plan for achieving them.
Herbal tea ritual: Enjoy a calming herbal tea and reflect on the themes of the moon.
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Focus
🌸 Like A Boss
🌸 Cleanse
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Slow Down
🌸 Sweet Dreams
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
The Worm Moon can be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Don't forget to:
- Charge your crystals under the moonlight to amplify their energy.
- Spend time in nature to connect with the earth and the lunar energy.
- Journal your thoughts and feelings to gain clarity and insight.
- Practice gratitude for all the good in your life.
Happy Full Moon! ✨
Alisha x
Full Moon in Virgo - March 14th
March is upon us, and with it, the vibrant energy of the Worm Moon! This month, the full moon graces us on March 14th at 5:55pm AEDT, and as always, its luminous presence will be felt for a few nights surrounding the peak. Unlike the snowy landscapes of the Northern Hemisphere, where the Worm Moon heralds the thawing earth and the return of earthworms (hence the name!), we in Australia are experiencing the shift into autumn, a time of gentle transition and preparation.
This Worm Moon falls in the sign of Virgo, a sign known for its practicality, attention to detail, and a deep connection to nature. This brings a different energy compared to the fiery Leo of the Snow Moon. Where Leo encouraged us to shine and express ourselves boldly, Virgo invites us to refine, organise, and nurture.
Lucky for us Australians, on Friday we'll have a short (but amazing!) opportunity to witness a rare Blood Moon, where the full moon will be bathed in red light. This happens when the Earth passes directly between the sun and the moon, blocking all direct sunlight from reaching the moon's surface.
The Blood Moon will last about 55 to 80 minutes, and can be seen around these times in Australia:
- Sydney – 7.13pm
- Melbourne – 7.40pm
- Brisbane – 6.04pm
- Canberra – 7.22pm
- Adelaide – 7.35pm
- Darwin – 7.02pm
- Hobart – 7.32pm
Unfortunately for our Perth friends, it's unlikely to be visible on their side of Australia.
It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically.
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies!
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at its fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
The Worm Moon in Virgo peaks on March 14th. This lunar phase encourages us to:
Embrace order and clarity: Virgo's energy helps us to organise our thoughts, our spaces, and our lives. So if you need to plan anything out at work or home, it's a good time to use that new 2025 planner that may be still sitting there waiting for you to use it! Or enter upcoming appointments and events into your phone calendar and map out the next month. You may also want to declutter some spaces that have been bugging you - clean out the car or the toy room, maybe that laundry cupboard or maybe your living space. What do you feel needs to go to bring in new energy?
Focus on wellness: This is a time to prioritise our physical and mental health. Is it time for a mini gut health cleanse to rest your overall physical health? Is it time to make some psych or counselling appointments or at least get yourself on a waiting list! Or maybe it's time to get into more walking now the weather is cooling or signing up to a new exercise class. Can you get off Netflix earlier and start getting an extra 30-60 mins of sleep at night?
Cultivate gratitude: Appreciate the small details and the simple joys in life. Gratitude journaling is a great way to do this or get everyone in your household to state one thing they are grateful for each night at the dinner table as part of your family conversation.
Connect with nature: Spend time outdoors and feel the grounding energy of the earth. Pot some plants and get your hands into the soil or if you live near the beach, take a walk and a swim. Or take the kids or the dog to the park and just sit and feel the fresh air and be near the trees.
- Reflect and refine: Assess our goals and make adjustments as needed. A great time to see if you are on track for any goals you set at work or home at the beginning of the year and maybe tweak what is and isn't working for you. Are you being realistic with what you are trying to achieve? Is there anything you should relax on or maybe ramp up? For example, I've decided in my house that us all eating around the table every night isn't working and I'm relaxing into more tv dinners! And I'm ramping up my social media content as it's brining me joy to connect and create.
Supporting Your Kids During the Worm Moon
The Worm Moon's energy can also influence children. Here's how to support them:
- Encourage them to organise their belongings. Tidying rooms and donating anything they have outgrown. Clean out pencil cases or art supply boxes.
- Check in with older kids plans and add them to the family calendar or your phone so you know what they are up to. Encourage any planning of weekends or even chat about where they might like to visit or go to in the near future ands see if you can plan a day visit somewhere they might want to go.
- Promote healthy habits and routines. Get them to go shopping with you and ask them to pick out some new fruit or veg they might like to try. Chat to your older kids about how healthy foods really makes a difference to their skin and their energy levels. Also maybe chat about how much sleep they are getting at night and whether you can do anything to help them get more!
- Spend time outdoors together and connect with nature. Park and beach time would be brilliant but even if you can get them to have a walk around the block with you. Try to spot birds or flowers or name a tree you see. Good luck with getting your teens outdoors but modelling being in the outdoors as much as possible will sink in and benefit them one day!
- Practice simple mindful activities like breathing exercises. Show younger kids your favourite mindful practices - I love the 5,4,3,2,1 exercise and I do it when I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed (as well as taking my Help blend!) which is simply naming 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste. Check in with older kids if they have something they use to connect to their breath or slow down their minds. Tell them to grab Slow Down or Help blend/mist and to check out the Calm app or any mindful and breathing exercises on YouTube!
Full Moon Rituals
Enhance your connection to the Worm Moon with these rituals:
Earth connection: Spend time barefoot on the earth to ground your energy.
Cleanse and purify: Cleanse your space with sage or one of our flower essence mists - I love Cleanse and Protect for my house.
Journaling: Reflect on your goals and create a plan for achieving them.
Herbal tea ritual: Enjoy a calming herbal tea and reflect on the themes of the moon.
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Focus
🌸 Like A Boss
🌸 Cleanse
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Slow Down
🌸 Sweet Dreams
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
The Worm Moon can be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Don't forget to:
- Charge your crystals under the moonlight to amplify their energy.
- Spend time in nature to connect with the earth and the lunar energy.
- Journal your thoughts and feelings to gain clarity and insight.
- Practice gratitude for all the good in your life.
Happy Full Moon! ✨
Alisha x