Full Moon in Virgo - February 24th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
this month's full moon will be sending your personal energy in many directions at once due to the position of the moon with other planets (namely Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars) so you might find yourself rethinking what you want out of your life and also what you are prepared to do to get it. Use this full moon energy to ask for what you want and be prepared to ask yourself for more than you have asked for before.
You may feel driven towards your own needs first at the moment. This is a good thing as you might have gotten too heavily involved in others needs lately which is causing some discontent and unspoken agitation. Spend some time on your own asking what you need right now and feel the temporary freedom of allowing yourself to pull back from being everything to everyone. You will get clearer on what you need to do moving forward taking care of yourself as well as others.
This full moon will also challenge you in breaking patterns and repeating cycles that are no longer serving your greatest good. What have you just been doing over and over out of habit that you know could be done better or changed for the better? Use this current energy to break free of the complacency of what you are doing subconsciously instead of consciously.
- Unfortunately this full moon could have you more in your head than usual and may bring up more of the less comfortable emotions of fear, sadness, worry and unfortunately relationship tensions and arguments. This energy will shift to more optimistic thinking on the 28th so hang in there and in the meantime, try to remember that it's going on for everyone so taking some time alone to think things through before engaging in any heated arguments is a good idea. But it's still important to discuss and work through anything that can help you down the track so I guess I'm saying...harness any energy giving momentum to things that need it...but go carefully!
- Home, family and relationships will be under the spotlight and feel highlighted for at least a fortnight after this full moon. Because of the opposing energetic forces at work I think the work/life balance (or lack thereof) will feel more out of kilter than usual. So again, use this time to see if you can improve anything to help in the areas giving you most frustration. Do you need to order some meal kits so dinners some nights are easier? Can you carpool with other parents for kids sporting commitments? Are you up for a conversation with your partner about how to manage things better? Now is the time.
With the moon opposite Mercury, our thoughts and feelings will be a bit harder to understand and communicate to others. You may find yourself over thinking one thing for too long and then becoming more emotional than usual. Extra care is needed when communicating with anyone right now especially with negotiations, big decisions or any sensitive discussion topics.
Support for Kids
So just like us, kids will feel even more heightened at the moment and possibly confused by their feelings and thoughts which will result in some less than lovely arguments and behaviours! I know it's easier said than done but if you can remember that they are much less aware than you are of how to be and act during heightened emotions and just be there with more cuddles and compromises until this intensity passes....I know I know, being an adult for smaller human is HARD sometimes!
You might find your kids doing a 180 on previous choices and decisions so be prepared for plans changing or perhaps finding out that your kids no longer wants to be in the school band or play or they may even want to switch sporting teams or to a new sport or activity altogether. Finding out why and talking through it with them will help them immensely.
You might hear a lot of negativity coming out of their mouths and nothing will feel good enough or 'right'. Whether it's the food you put in front of them or how you've done their hair or your responses to their questions! Hang in there as this will all take a turn back to a more positive outlook around the 28th so take as much as you can with a grain of salt right now!
Because communication is harder at the moment, fights between siblings or your kids friends may erupt more than usual so being an ear to listen is all you can do. Or if they remain aloof and cold to get through this time, give them their space and try and do something nice so they know you love them and are there for them if needed.
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Let it Go
🌸 Tantrum Tamer
🌸 Protect
🌸 Self Love
🌸 Truth
🌸 Help
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
Full Moon in Virgo - February 24th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
this month's full moon will be sending your personal energy in many directions at once due to the position of the moon with other planets (namely Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars) so you might find yourself rethinking what you want out of your life and also what you are prepared to do to get it. Use this full moon energy to ask for what you want and be prepared to ask yourself for more than you have asked for before.
You may feel driven towards your own needs first at the moment. This is a good thing as you might have gotten too heavily involved in others needs lately which is causing some discontent and unspoken agitation. Spend some time on your own asking what you need right now and feel the temporary freedom of allowing yourself to pull back from being everything to everyone. You will get clearer on what you need to do moving forward taking care of yourself as well as others.
This full moon will also challenge you in breaking patterns and repeating cycles that are no longer serving your greatest good. What have you just been doing over and over out of habit that you know could be done better or changed for the better? Use this current energy to break free of the complacency of what you are doing subconsciously instead of consciously.
- Unfortunately this full moon could have you more in your head than usual and may bring up more of the less comfortable emotions of fear, sadness, worry and unfortunately relationship tensions and arguments. This energy will shift to more optimistic thinking on the 28th so hang in there and in the meantime, try to remember that it's going on for everyone so taking some time alone to think things through before engaging in any heated arguments is a good idea. But it's still important to discuss and work through anything that can help you down the track so I guess I'm saying...harness any energy giving momentum to things that need it...but go carefully!
- Home, family and relationships will be under the spotlight and feel highlighted for at least a fortnight after this full moon. Because of the opposing energetic forces at work I think the work/life balance (or lack thereof) will feel more out of kilter than usual. So again, use this time to see if you can improve anything to help in the areas giving you most frustration. Do you need to order some meal kits so dinners some nights are easier? Can you carpool with other parents for kids sporting commitments? Are you up for a conversation with your partner about how to manage things better? Now is the time.
With the moon opposite Mercury, our thoughts and feelings will be a bit harder to understand and communicate to others. You may find yourself over thinking one thing for too long and then becoming more emotional than usual. Extra care is needed when communicating with anyone right now especially with negotiations, big decisions or any sensitive discussion topics.
Support for Kids
So just like us, kids will feel even more heightened at the moment and possibly confused by their feelings and thoughts which will result in some less than lovely arguments and behaviours! I know it's easier said than done but if you can remember that they are much less aware than you are of how to be and act during heightened emotions and just be there with more cuddles and compromises until this intensity passes....I know I know, being an adult for smaller human is HARD sometimes!
You might find your kids doing a 180 on previous choices and decisions so be prepared for plans changing or perhaps finding out that your kids no longer wants to be in the school band or play or they may even want to switch sporting teams or to a new sport or activity altogether. Finding out why and talking through it with them will help them immensely.
You might hear a lot of negativity coming out of their mouths and nothing will feel good enough or 'right'. Whether it's the food you put in front of them or how you've done their hair or your responses to their questions! Hang in there as this will all take a turn back to a more positive outlook around the 28th so take as much as you can with a grain of salt right now!
Because communication is harder at the moment, fights between siblings or your kids friends may erupt more than usual so being an ear to listen is all you can do. Or if they remain aloof and cold to get through this time, give them their space and try and do something nice so they know you love them and are there for them if needed.
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Let it Go
🌸 Tantrum Tamer
🌸 Protect
🌸 Self Love
🌸 Truth
🌸 Help
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x