Full Moon in Taurus - November 8th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
And being a lunar eclipse, this does mean that the current lunar energy will be stronger than your average full moon!
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
- is ushering in a huge shake up! Much needed change is on the way whether you are ready for it or not. Don't be surprised with sudden changes or shifts both internally and externally. The moon is next to Uranus (the planet of shock, upheaval and surprise) so new things will be felt or happen to you.....but all for the better!
- this current energy around you is encouraging you to consider the possibility of NEW. We can often resist change at first but just allow your mind to be open to what is cropping up for you right now. Don't try and stop it...just see what unfolds and how it feels instead of turning away from it because remember: it's not just happening TO you, it's happening FOR you.
- you will also feel the need to reassess the BALANCE in your relationships. Do things feel fair and equal with the back and forth in your important and close relationships? Is there anything you can do or say to create more balance between you and someone whether it's at work or at home?
- you might also feel a strange tug of war between feeling like slowing things down and speeding things up! This might mean you feel an anxious or restless energy.... and feeling unsure about how to tackle things. Just remember that this is just an energy/e-motion that is passing through and will feel different again soon. Take deep breaths and do what feels right in the moment whether that be cancelling some plans to get some more rest or dancing like crazy to your fave song to get some of that angsty energy out!
- also remember that this uncomfortable energy that is passing through you right now will lead towards some amazing emotional breakthroughs. Because you are being pulled to look at what you are feeling....this self reflection will give you some much needed answers and awakenings.
- because there is so much extra charge in this lunar eclipse full moon, be ready for your emotions to have a bit of a magnifying glass held over them....but this also means that insight, awareness and big 'AHA!' moments are also magnified and it's a wonderful time to get clearer on what you need to do to move forward.
- and don't forget to set your intentions and do some manifesting as well because again, the energy is amplified so use it to your advantage!
Support for Kids
Ok, so kids are always changing both physically and emotionally but don't be surprised if it feels like someone has pushed the fast forward button on this within your child! It might seem they have had a huge emotional or physical development overnight. Maybe they are doing or approaching something differently...or it just seems like they have matured somehow, then they are just reflecting some of those internal and external changes going on around them. Be ready for first words, first teeth, mastering riding that bike or writing their name all the way through to finally understanding a concept or resolving a past issue they were struggling with. The downloads will be coming in thick and fast!
Help your kids with the restless or anxious energy they might be feeling at the moment by checking in more and using as many soothing emotional support tools that you have...Help and Slow Down blends, bubble baths, quiet time and for older kids, even explaining about the full moon energy about right now and that e-motions are just energy in motion which means they are just passing through the body and will disperse again soon. Hopefully you won't get too many eye rolls....
Your kids might be asking new questions or asking for new things that they haven't asked for before...support this by hearing them out and try to get a sense of what has changed within them for this to be asked of now. Could you help them further by asking more about this new interest....or this question they are puzzling over? Is there anything you can do to help steer them towards an 'AHA!' moment?
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Help
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Spirit
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Courage
🌸 Evolve
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
Full Moon in Taurus - November 8th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
And being a lunar eclipse, this does mean that the current lunar energy will be stronger than your average full moon!
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
- is ushering in a huge shake up! Much needed change is on the way whether you are ready for it or not. Don't be surprised with sudden changes or shifts both internally and externally. The moon is next to Uranus (the planet of shock, upheaval and surprise) so new things will be felt or happen to you.....but all for the better!
- this current energy around you is encouraging you to consider the possibility of NEW. We can often resist change at first but just allow your mind to be open to what is cropping up for you right now. Don't try and stop it...just see what unfolds and how it feels instead of turning away from it because remember: it's not just happening TO you, it's happening FOR you.
- you will also feel the need to reassess the BALANCE in your relationships. Do things feel fair and equal with the back and forth in your important and close relationships? Is there anything you can do or say to create more balance between you and someone whether it's at work or at home?
- you might also feel a strange tug of war between feeling like slowing things down and speeding things up! This might mean you feel an anxious or restless energy.... and feeling unsure about how to tackle things. Just remember that this is just an energy/e-motion that is passing through and will feel different again soon. Take deep breaths and do what feels right in the moment whether that be cancelling some plans to get some more rest or dancing like crazy to your fave song to get some of that angsty energy out!
- also remember that this uncomfortable energy that is passing through you right now will lead towards some amazing emotional breakthroughs. Because you are being pulled to look at what you are feeling....this self reflection will give you some much needed answers and awakenings.
- because there is so much extra charge in this lunar eclipse full moon, be ready for your emotions to have a bit of a magnifying glass held over them....but this also means that insight, awareness and big 'AHA!' moments are also magnified and it's a wonderful time to get clearer on what you need to do to move forward.
- and don't forget to set your intentions and do some manifesting as well because again, the energy is amplified so use it to your advantage!
Support for Kids
Ok, so kids are always changing both physically and emotionally but don't be surprised if it feels like someone has pushed the fast forward button on this within your child! It might seem they have had a huge emotional or physical development overnight. Maybe they are doing or approaching something differently...or it just seems like they have matured somehow, then they are just reflecting some of those internal and external changes going on around them. Be ready for first words, first teeth, mastering riding that bike or writing their name all the way through to finally understanding a concept or resolving a past issue they were struggling with. The downloads will be coming in thick and fast!
Help your kids with the restless or anxious energy they might be feeling at the moment by checking in more and using as many soothing emotional support tools that you have...Help and Slow Down blends, bubble baths, quiet time and for older kids, even explaining about the full moon energy about right now and that e-motions are just energy in motion which means they are just passing through the body and will disperse again soon. Hopefully you won't get too many eye rolls....
Your kids might be asking new questions or asking for new things that they haven't asked for before...support this by hearing them out and try to get a sense of what has changed within them for this to be asked of now. Could you help them further by asking more about this new interest....or this question they are puzzling over? Is there anything you can do to help steer them towards an 'AHA!' moment?
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Help
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Spirit
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Courage
🌸 Evolve
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x