Full Moon in Scorpio - April 24th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
this month's full moon energy is a bit intense and quite emotional due to it landing in Scorpio. It's been a rocky month (planetary energy wise!) and this full moon is the last push to deep dive into our emotions and see what lies beneath. And even though we are on the tail end of the Mercury retrograde now, it still feels a bit tricky in certain spots!
- so firstly, get ready for some intense transformative energies, feeling a massive push for change and some BIG emotional honesty. This might mean it's time for that personal overhaul to start or finding out some secrets or new information that changes things for you. Don't be alarmed if everyone is needing to have the deep and meaningful conversations right now as that's what this Scorpio full moon is all about.
getting honest with yourself and look at the emotions you have been keeping under wraps lately...you actually might not have a choice with this as you feel them bubble up to the surface. All you can do is feel and release them as they will move through you if you give yourself time to FEEL them. Don't forget feeling is healing.
- so unresolved issues will be difficult to ignore right now and there may be conflict from the past ready to come out and be resolved too...go carefully and remember that there are lots of angles to look at this from but as everyone else will be wrapped up in their own feelings right now, it may seem as though your angle and perspective is being ignored or overlooked by others. Give it some time and remember everyone is going through this.
- your own intuition will be heightened right now so listen carefully to that inner voice and those gut feels. They will be stronger and clearer to act upon so that will be nice to have a mightier guidance system at the moment....USE it!
- this full moon brings us lots of empowerment, creating an environment that really lifts those wanting to evolve. Remember that personal growth is a messy path that’s often littered with tough love and hard realisations so let it be messy and take heart that you are currently levelling up!
- this full moon also brings us back to the last new moon in Scorpio that took place on November 13, 2023. You might find yourself returning to a vulnerable place or conversation that you started around that time that's ready to be re-visited, completed or reviewed. It's ready for closure now.
Support for Kids
Ok, so I know I say this a lot around our kids and full moon time but as this is quite an emotional full moon, get ready for the tears and tantrums. And remember that a tantrum is just an offloading of energy and emotion that has been suppressed for a while and needs to move up and out. Better out than in, believe me!
Young kids will need more space to feel their feelings and more reassurance from us so lots of understanding and cuddles and reminding them that they will feel better soon. Praise any ability to articulate or verbalising their feelings as that's a life long skill that even some adults haven't mastered so help them find a word for their feelings and reward them!
Older kids may seem more broody and moody right now (oh joy!) so again, give them space and reassurance that you are there for them if they need you. Run them a bath with epsom salts and bubbles (water helps with emotions!) and they might want a soak while listening to their fave tunes. Or do whatever you can to help their environment feel safe and nurturing as that will go a long way.
Listen to any insights or thoughts they have as they will have heightened intuition at the moment too and may be getting some great guidance from their higher selves so encourage acting on anything that sounds like a good idea to you and help them trust their own instincts on tricky matters.
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Tantrum Tamer
🌸 Teenager
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Cleanse
🌸 Grounding
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
Full Moon in Scorpio - April 24th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
this month's full moon energy is a bit intense and quite emotional due to it landing in Scorpio. It's been a rocky month (planetary energy wise!) and this full moon is the last push to deep dive into our emotions and see what lies beneath. And even though we are on the tail end of the Mercury retrograde now, it still feels a bit tricky in certain spots!
- so firstly, get ready for some intense transformative energies, feeling a massive push for change and some BIG emotional honesty. This might mean it's time for that personal overhaul to start or finding out some secrets or new information that changes things for you. Don't be alarmed if everyone is needing to have the deep and meaningful conversations right now as that's what this Scorpio full moon is all about.
getting honest with yourself and look at the emotions you have been keeping under wraps lately...you actually might not have a choice with this as you feel them bubble up to the surface. All you can do is feel and release them as they will move through you if you give yourself time to FEEL them. Don't forget feeling is healing.
- so unresolved issues will be difficult to ignore right now and there may be conflict from the past ready to come out and be resolved too...go carefully and remember that there are lots of angles to look at this from but as everyone else will be wrapped up in their own feelings right now, it may seem as though your angle and perspective is being ignored or overlooked by others. Give it some time and remember everyone is going through this.
- your own intuition will be heightened right now so listen carefully to that inner voice and those gut feels. They will be stronger and clearer to act upon so that will be nice to have a mightier guidance system at the moment....USE it!
- this full moon brings us lots of empowerment, creating an environment that really lifts those wanting to evolve. Remember that personal growth is a messy path that’s often littered with tough love and hard realisations so let it be messy and take heart that you are currently levelling up!
- this full moon also brings us back to the last new moon in Scorpio that took place on November 13, 2023. You might find yourself returning to a vulnerable place or conversation that you started around that time that's ready to be re-visited, completed or reviewed. It's ready for closure now.
Support for Kids
Ok, so I know I say this a lot around our kids and full moon time but as this is quite an emotional full moon, get ready for the tears and tantrums. And remember that a tantrum is just an offloading of energy and emotion that has been suppressed for a while and needs to move up and out. Better out than in, believe me!
Young kids will need more space to feel their feelings and more reassurance from us so lots of understanding and cuddles and reminding them that they will feel better soon. Praise any ability to articulate or verbalising their feelings as that's a life long skill that even some adults haven't mastered so help them find a word for their feelings and reward them!
Older kids may seem more broody and moody right now (oh joy!) so again, give them space and reassurance that you are there for them if they need you. Run them a bath with epsom salts and bubbles (water helps with emotions!) and they might want a soak while listening to their fave tunes. Or do whatever you can to help their environment feel safe and nurturing as that will go a long way.
Listen to any insights or thoughts they have as they will have heightened intuition at the moment too and may be getting some great guidance from their higher selves so encourage acting on anything that sounds like a good idea to you and help them trust their own instincts on tricky matters.
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Tantrum Tamer
🌸 Teenager
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Cleanse
🌸 Grounding
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x