Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 4th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
shows us that Sagittarius is all about the TRUTH. It's here to teach us that we are grateful for the knowledge gained from some of the harder roads we’ve walked...which has also started to make it easier choosing better paths for ourselves. Instead of being afraid of what could happen, we remember that anything could happen at any time and we will always make the most of it.
- for our peace of mind, we need to keep the bigger picture in mind and not be too worried with the little details along the way...because we don't really know where we will end up but being present for the lessons and experiences along the way (without getting too bogged down in the nitty gritty) and feeling what we need to feel is really what it's all about.
- you may feel pulled on an adventure, whether that is a physical or emotional one! You will feel like exploring yourself and your capabilities in some way and that may mean going within (think big, deep and meaningful chats or journaling your truth) or doing something challenging and new a bit beyond your comfort zone (think a new hike, dance class or even joining that book club!)
- confronting our fears is also on the table...this full moon energy will help you take a leap of faith in the direction you are feeling pulled. Think about what is calling to you...really look at what you have been denying due to your fears. It's time to take action as you can feel supported right now and assume the best outcomes will happen
- remember that not all your confrontations, adventures and lessons will feel carefree and easy....while this current energy will help you look for the silver linings, of course there is big discomfort underneath...but that is all part of the learning as you move past it and feel more accomplished for doing so
- your increased motivation, drive and putting plans into action with optimism and positivity are to be taken advantage of right now so go for it and enjoy the helping hand you are being given by this full moon energy!
Support for Kids
Some big truths might make themselves known in your household as your kids feel compelled to share with you something from the past or something they are feeling or doing now. Really listen to them and guide them in any way you can. Show them that speaking their truth is encouraged and welcomed just by being open and understanding to whatever it is they need to share with you.
They may be asking to go for a day out somewhere or just somewhere new as they are feeling the push for adventure and challenging themselves out of their comfort zone too. Hopefully this can be accommodated as you all share in a new experience together.
Babies might feel the rush of fearlessness and take their first steps or speak their first words...toddlers might be exploring new areas of the house and younger kids might be talking about learning to ride a bike, starting a new sport or learning an instrument! Just something new that they have been putting off that they no longer want to put off as they feel the motivation and lack of fear in this area finally so be ready for anything!
For older kids, they will be asking for more independence or wanting to do something outside their usual comfort zone....hopefully it will be safe, enjoyable and they feel a sense of accomplishment when they do it! Just be as supportive as you can (within reason) and let go of any of unnecessary fears that you might be projecting onto them (easier said than done but it's worth looking at!)
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Evolve
🌸 Cleanse
🌸 Truth
🌸 Energy
🌸 Courage
🌸 Like A Boss
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 4th

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
shows us that Sagittarius is all about the TRUTH. It's here to teach us that we are grateful for the knowledge gained from some of the harder roads we’ve walked...which has also started to make it easier choosing better paths for ourselves. Instead of being afraid of what could happen, we remember that anything could happen at any time and we will always make the most of it.
- for our peace of mind, we need to keep the bigger picture in mind and not be too worried with the little details along the way...because we don't really know where we will end up but being present for the lessons and experiences along the way (without getting too bogged down in the nitty gritty) and feeling what we need to feel is really what it's all about.
- you may feel pulled on an adventure, whether that is a physical or emotional one! You will feel like exploring yourself and your capabilities in some way and that may mean going within (think big, deep and meaningful chats or journaling your truth) or doing something challenging and new a bit beyond your comfort zone (think a new hike, dance class or even joining that book club!)
- confronting our fears is also on the table...this full moon energy will help you take a leap of faith in the direction you are feeling pulled. Think about what is calling to you...really look at what you have been denying due to your fears. It's time to take action as you can feel supported right now and assume the best outcomes will happen
- remember that not all your confrontations, adventures and lessons will feel carefree and easy....while this current energy will help you look for the silver linings, of course there is big discomfort underneath...but that is all part of the learning as you move past it and feel more accomplished for doing so
- your increased motivation, drive and putting plans into action with optimism and positivity are to be taken advantage of right now so go for it and enjoy the helping hand you are being given by this full moon energy!
Support for Kids
Some big truths might make themselves known in your household as your kids feel compelled to share with you something from the past or something they are feeling or doing now. Really listen to them and guide them in any way you can. Show them that speaking their truth is encouraged and welcomed just by being open and understanding to whatever it is they need to share with you.
They may be asking to go for a day out somewhere or just somewhere new as they are feeling the push for adventure and challenging themselves out of their comfort zone too. Hopefully this can be accommodated as you all share in a new experience together.
Babies might feel the rush of fearlessness and take their first steps or speak their first words...toddlers might be exploring new areas of the house and younger kids might be talking about learning to ride a bike, starting a new sport or learning an instrument! Just something new that they have been putting off that they no longer want to put off as they feel the motivation and lack of fear in this area finally so be ready for anything!
For older kids, they will be asking for more independence or wanting to do something outside their usual comfort zone....hopefully it will be safe, enjoyable and they feel a sense of accomplishment when they do it! Just be as supportive as you can (within reason) and let go of any of unnecessary fears that you might be projecting onto them (easier said than done but it's worth looking at!)
Emotional Support Tools
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Evolve
🌸 Cleanse
🌸 Truth
🌸 Energy
🌸 Courage
🌸 Like A Boss
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x