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Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3rd

It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically. 
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies! 
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at it's fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
You don't have to be a Capricorn to make use of this full moon energy as it affects all star signs, although those born under the Capricorn sign may feel this energy a little more than others.

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
This month's full moon occurs in Capricorn on July 3rd here in Australia at 6.38am AEST. It is one of the four super moons of 2023 as it is 7% closer to Earth making it appear even larger. The closeness can also mean a heightened effect of the full moon energy we experience. 
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
This month's full moon energy:
  • July's full moon in Capricorn marks the halfway point of our calendar year and in true Capricorn style, it brings in the perfect energy to check in with ourselves both personally and professionally. It's a great time to take stock of our year so far and reflect on any goals or projects that we set ourselves this year. Are you where you want to be with these? Is there anything you need to change to stay or get back on track? 

  • Capricorn is the astrological symbolism of our foundation and life purpose so use this current lunar energy to reflect on what you stand for and what you want to leave behind...this could be how you want to parent the children you will one day leave behind and what you believe is most important to instil in them...or it may be what you leave behind for others in your career (or anyone following in your footsteps) and the difference you can make for others once you have removed yourself from your job and your communities. 

  • Capricorn energy shows and teaches us what it means to be more realistic with ourselves and our future and to stay grounded in this. Is there something you've been aiming or striving for that may not suit your current reality or life circumstances? Can you look at your goals with a new lens from who you are NOW? You have grown so much so you might want to check if you've outgrown old visions. Better to walk towards updated goals than flounder trying to reach outdated ones.

  • This is a time where you can feel more confident in the thoughts that were previously only whispers in the background of your mind. It's time to step into your authority. You know what you're doing and you know what's best for you. Don't doubt what feels strong and right to you. 

  • You may feel encouraged to look at old safety systems that you have put in place for yourself and test if these are actually for your greatest good anymore. You will feel clearer on what is actually keeping you safe and what actually is now a self sabotaging behaviour. Use the clarity and strength from this lunar energy to acknowledge what you can let go of now while still remaining safe and supported. 
  • Boundaries will also need to be looked at and you need to question whether you need to adjust some of them to keep all of what you are reflecting and working on right now as your priority going forward. Are there any friendships, relationships or parenting styles that need adjusting so you can keep yourself safe and supported instead of turning to old behaviours that are no longer aligned with your foundation and purpose? You have changed so if that's not acknowledged by those around you, it's up to you to show them. 

    Support for Kids

Kids might be going through their own internal reflections as this Capricorn moon energy hits which may result in changes of mind on things or perhaps you may notice they have started to approach and do things a bit differently. This is such an important part of emotional they take stock of what isn't working for them now. If they get to the point of figuring a new way all on their own, then you should be very proud of their growth. 

The best way you can support them right now is to totally step back (providing it is safe to do so of course!) as this is allowing them to make these very important decisions and steps independently. It can be very hard to step back sometimes if you can see a 'right way' for them but if they don't get the chance to practice being guided by their own inner wisdom then you are doing them a huge disservice. Even if they have to make 10 wrong steps before landing on the right one, this is all part of their emotional growth and feeling out their own internal guidance system. 

It's a great time to encourage quiet time and reflection away from screens so if you can take them into nature, whether that's park time or a day out in the fresh air somewhere then this will help with space for thoughts and internal processing.

For older kids, don't be surprised if there is talk or evidence of friendship changes as they may start looking at their boundaries and whether they are feeling safe and supported by those they are spending time with. Just be there to listen as needed and again, try not to direct, but just be their advocate in what they choose to do. 

Emotional Support Tools 

 Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon: 

🌸 Let it Go

🌸 Intuition 

🌸 Evolve

🌸 Focus

🌸 Self Love

🌸 Grounding

And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.

It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial. 

Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...

Yours in Health,

Alisha x

Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3rd

It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically. 
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies! 
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at it's fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
You don't have to be a Capricorn to make use of this full moon energy as it affects all star signs, although those born under the Capricorn sign may feel this energy a little more than others.

So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
This month's full moon occurs in Capricorn on July 3rd here in Australia at 6.38am AEST. It is one of the four super moons of 2023 as it is 7% closer to Earth making it appear even larger. The closeness can also mean a heightened effect of the full moon energy we experience. 
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month. And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
This month's full moon energy:
  • July's full moon in Capricorn marks the halfway point of our calendar year and in true Capricorn style, it brings in the perfect energy to check in with ourselves both personally and professionally. It's a great time to take stock of our year so far and reflect on any goals or projects that we set ourselves this year. Are you where you want to be with these? Is there anything you need to change to stay or get back on track? 

  • Capricorn is the astrological symbolism of our foundation and life purpose so use this current lunar energy to reflect on what you stand for and what you want to leave behind...this could be how you want to parent the children you will one day leave behind and what you believe is most important to instil in them...or it may be what you leave behind for others in your career (or anyone following in your footsteps) and the difference you can make for others once you have removed yourself from your job and your communities. 

  • Capricorn energy shows and teaches us what it means to be more realistic with ourselves and our future and to stay grounded in this. Is there something you've been aiming or striving for that may not suit your current reality or life circumstances? Can you look at your goals with a new lens from who you are NOW? You have grown so much so you might want to check if you've outgrown old visions. Better to walk towards updated goals than flounder trying to reach outdated ones.

  • This is a time where you can feel more confident in the thoughts that were previously only whispers in the background of your mind. It's time to step into your authority. You know what you're doing and you know what's best for you. Don't doubt what feels strong and right to you. 

  • You may feel encouraged to look at old safety systems that you have put in place for yourself and test if these are actually for your greatest good anymore. You will feel clearer on what is actually keeping you safe and what actually is now a self sabotaging behaviour. Use the clarity and strength from this lunar energy to acknowledge what you can let go of now while still remaining safe and supported. 
  • Boundaries will also need to be looked at and you need to question whether you need to adjust some of them to keep all of what you are reflecting and working on right now as your priority going forward. Are there any friendships, relationships or parenting styles that need adjusting so you can keep yourself safe and supported instead of turning to old behaviours that are no longer aligned with your foundation and purpose? You have changed so if that's not acknowledged by those around you, it's up to you to show them. 

    Support for Kids

Kids might be going through their own internal reflections as this Capricorn moon energy hits which may result in changes of mind on things or perhaps you may notice they have started to approach and do things a bit differently. This is such an important part of emotional they take stock of what isn't working for them now. If they get to the point of figuring a new way all on their own, then you should be very proud of their growth. 

The best way you can support them right now is to totally step back (providing it is safe to do so of course!) as this is allowing them to make these very important decisions and steps independently. It can be very hard to step back sometimes if you can see a 'right way' for them but if they don't get the chance to practice being guided by their own inner wisdom then you are doing them a huge disservice. Even if they have to make 10 wrong steps before landing on the right one, this is all part of their emotional growth and feeling out their own internal guidance system. 

It's a great time to encourage quiet time and reflection away from screens so if you can take them into nature, whether that's park time or a day out in the fresh air somewhere then this will help with space for thoughts and internal processing.

For older kids, don't be surprised if there is talk or evidence of friendship changes as they may start looking at their boundaries and whether they are feeling safe and supported by those they are spending time with. Just be there to listen as needed and again, try not to direct, but just be their advocate in what they choose to do. 

Emotional Support Tools 

 Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon: 

🌸 Let it Go

🌸 Intuition 

🌸 Evolve

🌸 Focus

🌸 Self Love

🌸 Grounding

And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.

It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial. 

Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...

Yours in Health,

Alisha x