Full Moon in Capricorn - July 21st
It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically.
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies!
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at its fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
You don't have to be a Capricorn to make use of this full moon energy as it affects all star signs, although those born under the Capricorn sign may feel this energy a little more than others.
So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
This month's full moon occurs in Capricorn on Sunday July 21st here in Australia at 8:19pm AEST. This full moon is a bit special as it's the second full moon in Capricorn this season (last month's full moon was also in Capricorn) so what this means is that we are doubling down on the lessons we were learning then!
It's also known as the Buck Moon, which will allow an opportunity to take a breather from everyday life and lean into our emotions.
Named after the time of year when male deer begin to grow new antlers, this celestial event has long held cultural and even scientific significance. You can think of the Universe giving you a subtle suggestion to 'grow a pair' or show a little more courage this month.
This full moon has the potential to offer satisfying rewards for those willing to work for them. So if there's something you're yearning or dreaming of, now is the time to put in the hard yards to get what you deserve.
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month.
And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
This full moon in Capricorn energy:
- is re-visiting last month's energies and lessons so just a reminder - stepping into your potential, getting grounded with the help of nature, connecting in soulful ways with loved ones, tapping into your intuition...and any lessons that came through last month, think of this month as a closing of those lessons or a revision of a test you have already been through! Really look at what's going on for you right now and honestly ask yourself if you are doing things better or do you need to remind yourself of what you would like to do better.
- as cold as it is right now and your couch and slippers may be calling, push yourself to get out into nature. It doesn't have to be huge! Just what you can manage as it will really enhance your energy at the moment. Go for a gentle walks, or even a big hike to really warm yourself up! Try forest bathing, or taking in a new nature spot. Use herbs, plants, crystals, or you just get into the garden while you manifest, putting your feet on the grass or your hands in the soil.
- expect to feel motivated to start new, exciting projects, but before you jump right in, take time to think about whether you can see it through to completion. Take time to plan ahead before jumping in feet first, and you'll reap the rewards.
- the benefit of having back to back Full Moons in Capricorn is that you can keep the ball rolling for whatever you've manifest the month before. Why not get a little crafty and create a vision board, and start streamlining for dreams for last month, and getting real on what you really want for the months ahead.
- because we are still in cancer season for a few more days, emotions and sensitivity will be heightened. Have you ever lost it at someone (usually a loved one or even our kids) and yelled or raised our voice when they didn't really deserve it - but they just happened to be there at the time? Often when we allow space for our emotions to be processed or felt, they start to affect our lives when they don't really need to be there. This Full Moon in Capricorn is an ideal time for reflection, and also for creating spaces where you can feel your emotions with no restrictions (that might be a sacred space, with a special person, or even in a professional capacity).
- you might overdo it at the moment...be mindful that this full moon can have you working until you've got nothing left in you. Practice self care and remember to rest, rest, rest!
Support for Kids
Our little ones may be feeling a little inspired, which is a really great feeling to embrace. Allow them the space to get dreaming, engaging them in creative, free place.
If you can get your kids rugged up and outside, then they will feel so much better and more connected to their emotions. Maybe you could pot a plant with them or take a walk in the garden or even have them play with crystals! Get them connecting to anything from nature and the earth.
With heightened sensitivity around, be really mindful of how you speak to your kids and practice being really gentle with them when their emotions overflow. They always need a safe space to emote but especially when emotions are so heightened!
Older kids will also feel inspired, and we can encourage them to really embrace this special time this month. It's a great idea to get the scissors out, as well as old magazines, and create a vision board, or you can also create a digital one on programs like Canva. Let them dream about what they want the next 6 months, in the lead up to Christmas, to look like.
And if you can get your older kids off screens and outside even 30 minutes, amazing accomplishment! 🤭 Maybe entice them with a picnic or offering them to pick up their fave treat or take away and eating on a park bench before heading home? This reflection time will be so worth it!
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Self Love
🌸 Energy
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Courage
🌸 Slow Down
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
Full Moon in Capricorn - July 21st
It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically.
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies!
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at its fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
You don't have to be a Capricorn to make use of this full moon energy as it affects all star signs, although those born under the Capricorn sign may feel this energy a little more than others.
So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
This month's full moon occurs in Capricorn on Sunday July 21st here in Australia at 8:19pm AEST. This full moon is a bit special as it's the second full moon in Capricorn this season (last month's full moon was also in Capricorn) so what this means is that we are doubling down on the lessons we were learning then!
It's also known as the Buck Moon, which will allow an opportunity to take a breather from everyday life and lean into our emotions.
Named after the time of year when male deer begin to grow new antlers, this celestial event has long held cultural and even scientific significance. You can think of the Universe giving you a subtle suggestion to 'grow a pair' or show a little more courage this month.
This full moon has the potential to offer satisfying rewards for those willing to work for them. So if there's something you're yearning or dreaming of, now is the time to put in the hard yards to get what you deserve.
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month.
And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
This full moon in Capricorn energy:
- is re-visiting last month's energies and lessons so just a reminder - stepping into your potential, getting grounded with the help of nature, connecting in soulful ways with loved ones, tapping into your intuition...and any lessons that came through last month, think of this month as a closing of those lessons or a revision of a test you have already been through! Really look at what's going on for you right now and honestly ask yourself if you are doing things better or do you need to remind yourself of what you would like to do better.
- as cold as it is right now and your couch and slippers may be calling, push yourself to get out into nature. It doesn't have to be huge! Just what you can manage as it will really enhance your energy at the moment. Go for a gentle walks, or even a big hike to really warm yourself up! Try forest bathing, or taking in a new nature spot. Use herbs, plants, crystals, or you just get into the garden while you manifest, putting your feet on the grass or your hands in the soil.
- expect to feel motivated to start new, exciting projects, but before you jump right in, take time to think about whether you can see it through to completion. Take time to plan ahead before jumping in feet first, and you'll reap the rewards.
- the benefit of having back to back Full Moons in Capricorn is that you can keep the ball rolling for whatever you've manifest the month before. Why not get a little crafty and create a vision board, and start streamlining for dreams for last month, and getting real on what you really want for the months ahead.
- because we are still in cancer season for a few more days, emotions and sensitivity will be heightened. Have you ever lost it at someone (usually a loved one or even our kids) and yelled or raised our voice when they didn't really deserve it - but they just happened to be there at the time? Often when we allow space for our emotions to be processed or felt, they start to affect our lives when they don't really need to be there. This Full Moon in Capricorn is an ideal time for reflection, and also for creating spaces where you can feel your emotions with no restrictions (that might be a sacred space, with a special person, or even in a professional capacity).
- you might overdo it at the moment...be mindful that this full moon can have you working until you've got nothing left in you. Practice self care and remember to rest, rest, rest!
Support for Kids
Our little ones may be feeling a little inspired, which is a really great feeling to embrace. Allow them the space to get dreaming, engaging them in creative, free place.
If you can get your kids rugged up and outside, then they will feel so much better and more connected to their emotions. Maybe you could pot a plant with them or take a walk in the garden or even have them play with crystals! Get them connecting to anything from nature and the earth.
With heightened sensitivity around, be really mindful of how you speak to your kids and practice being really gentle with them when their emotions overflow. They always need a safe space to emote but especially when emotions are so heightened!
Older kids will also feel inspired, and we can encourage them to really embrace this special time this month. It's a great idea to get the scissors out, as well as old magazines, and create a vision board, or you can also create a digital one on programs like Canva. Let them dream about what they want the next 6 months, in the lead up to Christmas, to look like.
And if you can get your older kids off screens and outside even 30 minutes, amazing accomplishment! 🤭 Maybe entice them with a picnic or offering them to pick up their fave treat or take away and eating on a park bench before heading home? This reflection time will be so worth it!
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Self Love
🌸 Energy
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Courage
🌸 Slow Down
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x