Full Moon in Aquarius - August 20th
It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically.
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies!
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at its fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
The full moon in August has a few names, it's a super moon, a blue moon and also the sturgeon moon.
Let's discuss the 'super' part first! Super refers to the moons orbit, which brings it closer to Earth, increasing its size and brightness. Take some time to step outside and take a look at how impressive it is.
The 'blue' moon means that this is the third of four full moons this season, which is actually quite a rare combo when paired with a super moon. A blue moon happens once every two to three years, but a blue moon that is also a super moon can happen once every 20 years, so this is quite special!
So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
This month's full moon occurs in Aquarius on Tuesday August 20th here in Australia at 2:25am AEST. If there's anything that you should know, it's that this super moon will make the energy feel slightly more intense compared to other full moons that we've experienced this year.
What does this mean? Be aware, but not afraid. If you think you want to get things off your chest, and let it rip, maybe think again. Think before you speak, and be prepared that people will be feeling BIG emotions, so may not receive your words the way you hope they do.
The combo of Mercury Retrograde has the potential to play a little havoc with technology as well. Flying somewhere? Leave plenty of time. Back up your photos and devices. Leave no stone unturned.
Generally (well any other time) we can get excited about the Aquarius light, easy, super-chill vibes, but this one is a slightly heavier mood. If in doubt, consider rising above and being the bigger person, and telling yourself to "let it go".
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month.
And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
This full moon in Aquarius energy:
- is MASSIVE. It's been said that this is the MOST magical full moon of the year. Your Intuition will be supercharged and its all about TRANSFORMATION!
- Take time to explore enjoyable and fulfilling ways to connect with like-minded people and get together to achieve common goals. It's a great time of join a community group, to volunteer, or collaborate with others.
- polish your hosting skills! Bring together your family, friends, or even workmates, and further bond with your inner circle. Have fun with hosting a BBQ, or even a dinner where everyone brings a dish.
- get creative! Write. Paint. Sing. Plant a garden for spring. Journal. Embrace your creative side.
- get that haircut you've been thinking about. It's a great time to update your wardrobe, or clear it out, and try a new look. Been thinking about getting the chop? Now is the time to go for it.
- This time truly marks a line in the sand of before and after for this year. The first 8 months have been clearing and making way for what you are stepping into and have been manifesting so these next 4 months will be full of dreams being realised and feeling like you are arriving to where you want to be!
Support for Kids
Our little ones may be feeling out of sorts with the heavier mood around, so just be mindful. Consider giving them space to feel their feelings, and express them without shutting them down.
Big changes will be going on for your kids so be prepared for what they have been privately manifesting! Try to say yes more than you are saying no and watch their magic unfold!
With the weather warming up, it's a great opportunity to get outside and ground ourselves. If you're near the beach, let them put their feet in the sand, or even in the grass. Get them connecting to anything from nature and the Earth.
Older kids should be encouraged to play, and connect with their inner child. While study and school is important, encourage them to be silly and have some fun as well. You can do this by putting on a before dinner dance party (they'll resist at the beginning, but watch as they can't help but join in!), or taking them outdoors to get their feet dirty and get some fresh air.
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Let It Go
🌸 Self Love
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Help
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Grounding
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x
Full Moon in Aquarius - August 20th
It's definitely an advantage to live our lives with the knowledge that we are made up of energy and that everything around us is also made of energy.....and we need to remember that our emotions are also just energy!
E-motions (energy in motion) come and go and they can also be affected by what is going on around us energetically.
The full moon is one of those things that can greatly affect our energy/emotions as the fuller the moon, the greater the pull on the water in our body (just like the moon pulls the tides) and guess where our energy vibrations are most active? Within the water in our bodies!
We are made up of around 60% water so there can be a lot of emotional shifts going on during the lunar phases which are of course heightened when the moon is at its fullest. Just ask teachers, nurses and doctors how their shifts go around the full moon!
And depending on what time of the year it is and where the moon is in the sky, it can have an extra layer of specific energy that we can harness and use for our benefit.
The full moon in August has a few names, it's a super moon, a blue moon and also the sturgeon moon.
Let's discuss the 'super' part first! Super refers to the moons orbit, which brings it closer to Earth, increasing its size and brightness. Take some time to step outside and take a look at how impressive it is.
The 'blue' moon means that this is the third of four full moons this season, which is actually quite a rare combo when paired with a super moon. A blue moon happens once every two to three years, but a blue moon that is also a super moon can happen once every 20 years, so this is quite special!
So what's happening energetically for us this full moon?
This month's full moon occurs in Aquarius on Tuesday August 20th here in Australia at 2:25am AEST. If there's anything that you should know, it's that this super moon will make the energy feel slightly more intense compared to other full moons that we've experienced this year.
What does this mean? Be aware, but not afraid. If you think you want to get things off your chest, and let it rip, maybe think again. Think before you speak, and be prepared that people will be feeling BIG emotions, so may not receive your words the way you hope they do.
The combo of Mercury Retrograde has the potential to play a little havoc with technology as well. Flying somewhere? Leave plenty of time. Back up your photos and devices. Leave no stone unturned.
Generally (well any other time) we can get excited about the Aquarius light, easy, super-chill vibes, but this one is a slightly heavier mood. If in doubt, consider rising above and being the bigger person, and telling yourself to "let it go".
Full moons are always a time of powerful manifesting, achieving our goals and releasing energy that we no longer want or need to carry over to the next month.
And just as the full moon marks a completion or an ending to something....it is also the start of something new as the cycle begins again.
This full moon in Aquarius energy:
- is MASSIVE. It's been said that this is the MOST magical full moon of the year. Your Intuition will be supercharged and its all about TRANSFORMATION!
- Take time to explore enjoyable and fulfilling ways to connect with like-minded people and get together to achieve common goals. It's a great time of join a community group, to volunteer, or collaborate with others.
- polish your hosting skills! Bring together your family, friends, or even workmates, and further bond with your inner circle. Have fun with hosting a BBQ, or even a dinner where everyone brings a dish.
- get creative! Write. Paint. Sing. Plant a garden for spring. Journal. Embrace your creative side.
- get that haircut you've been thinking about. It's a great time to update your wardrobe, or clear it out, and try a new look. Been thinking about getting the chop? Now is the time to go for it.
- This time truly marks a line in the sand of before and after for this year. The first 8 months have been clearing and making way for what you are stepping into and have been manifesting so these next 4 months will be full of dreams being realised and feeling like you are arriving to where you want to be!
Support for Kids
Our little ones may be feeling out of sorts with the heavier mood around, so just be mindful. Consider giving them space to feel their feelings, and express them without shutting them down.
Big changes will be going on for your kids so be prepared for what they have been privately manifesting! Try to say yes more than you are saying no and watch their magic unfold!
With the weather warming up, it's a great opportunity to get outside and ground ourselves. If you're near the beach, let them put their feet in the sand, or even in the grass. Get them connecting to anything from nature and the Earth.
Older kids should be encouraged to play, and connect with their inner child. While study and school is important, encourage them to be silly and have some fun as well. You can do this by putting on a before dinner dance party (they'll resist at the beginning, but watch as they can't help but join in!), or taking them outdoors to get their feet dirty and get some fresh air.
Flower Essence blends to be taking during this full moon:
🌸 Let It Go
🌸 Self Love
🌸 Manifest
🌸 Help
🌸 Intuition
🌸 Grounding
And enjoy any full moon rituals you might like to get up to - a magnesium bath, crystal cleansing, journal writing etc.
It can also be a great time to get some energy healings like reiki, and if you can do some yoga and meditation or just sit quietly watching a candle flame for 10 minutes. Anything that helps attune your energy body with your physical body around this full moon energy will be extremely beneficial.
Make sure you are gentle with yourself and others right now and reap the benefits of working with the energy within you and around you...
Yours in Health,
Alisha x