Flower Essence and Star Sign Guide for 2024
What do the stars have in store for you this year?
Well it's time for my flower essence and star sign blog so you can find out....
2024 is now the 7th year where I have collaborated with renowned astrologist, Jenny Blume, to give you the astrological forecast for the year as well as which flower essences will support your emotional health best in 2024.
As well as being an astrologist, Jenny is a Feng Shui and Clearing practitioner and if you have heard of her name before, she is also the astrologist for Woman's Day and New Idea magazines.
I love working with Jenny to work out what energetic support each star sign might need for the coming year and with all that can unfold in a year for ourselves and our kids, having some energetic support on hand to navigate our emotions can be pretty handy don't you think?
The Star Sign and Flower Essence Guide for 2024!
Please note that other flower essence blends might feel more suited to you than the ones I have included for your star sign so just use whatever you think is right for you.
These ones below that I have matched to your 2024 forecast are aimed to help with what the year has in store for you both energetically and emotionally. You can click on the blend name to read more about what it can do for you and if you get three or more blends you will benefit from the male your own value pack discount too. 😊
Capricorn December 23 – January 20
YEAR AHEAD: As your priorities shift, local clubs might reel you in, while for creative Goats, a budding interest could blossom into a passion. Mastering new skills or finessing talents should prove satisfying, while winter’s busy patterns might propel you into a leadership role. You’ve got so much to offer!
LOVE: Ooh-la-la! If your love life needs spicing up, hit the dance floor or try a few classes - for as your passion sphere lights up, you’ll be ready to rumba. By April, many singles will be spoiled for choice, while for couples, a winter getaway might propel their love to dazzling heights.
HEALTH: Fitness will be to be enjoyable this year, so think back to childhood. Dancing, swimming, cycling, trampolining … autumn’s indulgent stars could test your willpower, making exercise all-the-more important. Freeze up plenty of healthy meals, or launch a health kick after June 6!
Flower Essence Blends for Capricorn
Focus for mastering new skills and any leadership roles
Mojo for spicing up your love life
Cravings Control to help with your willpower
Aquarius January 21 – February 19
YEAR AHEAD: Let the overhaul begin… not just of your fitness, but your home and finances too. As a desire to reinvent yourself takes hold, some Aquarians might even consider a whole new career. As your creative juices flow from June, a new pastime might really hit the spot. Follow your heart!
LOVE: Fallen into a relationship rut? Make a few positive lifestyle changes, before the cosmos does it for you. Think shared walks, trivia nights, social sports… or be adventurous and get that adrenalin pumping. June’s chatty stars could expand your social circle – and your dating pool.
HEALTH: Circle February 13, for when Mars bursts into your sign, you'll be itching for bigger challenges. Team sports and outdoor challenges could feature through autumn, while winter’s lively patterns might turn you into a disco queen. An adventurous getaway might top things off nicely.
Flower Essence Blends for Aquarius
Evolve for that overhaul you'll be going through
Courage for making the changes needed and stepping out of comfort zones
Let it Go to release any old baggage for your reinvention...
Pisces February 20 – March 20
YEAR AHEAD: Start offloading a few responsibilities, then balance your work with plenty of fun and play. As your search for a healthier, more relaxed lifestyle steps up, there could even be a move on the horizon. If finances are creating headaches, it's time to firm up your foundations and revise long-term plans.
LOVE: As summer winds down, your social life will heat up. Much of the excitement could centre around a like-minded group or fun-loving couple, while for singles, your love for music could rekindle that happy-go-lucky side. Local clubs and organisations could add a fresh spring to your step.
HEALTH: Searching for stress relief? Social venues like gyms or sporting clubs should hit the spot, along with dance classes, choirs, or theatrical groups. If your batteries feel flat, organise a winter getaway or book a retreat with friends. Your energetic approach should lift and inspire others.
Flower Essence Blends for Pisces
Peace to help with stress relief
Slow Down because balancing work with downtime is essential
Energy for helping to uplift and inspire when your batteries feel flat
Aries March 21 - April 20
YEAR AHEAD: Jupiter is turning you into a powerhouse, but balancing your personal needs with work and family responsibilities is crucial. Regular getaways should replenish your spirits, along with group pursuits and outdoor challenges. By June, your inner adventurer will be craving action!
LOVE: As summer winds down, local sporting clubs and team pursuits might improve both your stamina and your social life. June’s cheeky, loved-up stars look like fun for everyone, while the October 3 eclipse might blast couples into an exciting, more united phase.
HEALTH: Life could get busy this year, but don’t let your health pay the price. Organise regular check ups, particularly through April, and invest in a bigger freezer for home-cooked meals. Mixing fun with fitness is the key to longevity, so join forces with people who make you laugh.
Flower Essence Blends for Aries
Like A Boss so you can juggle work, family and personal
Slow Down for when life gets a little too busy
Mojo because it sounds like you're going to need it 😉
Taurus April 21 - May 21
YEAR AHEAD: Uranus might still be shaking things up, but he’s prompting you to live your best life. Autumn could bring a golden opportunity, and by spring, you’ll be ready to forge new paths. But first, update your skills if need be, explore new living options or embrace a healthier lifestyle.
LOVE: Variety is the spice of life! The ‘new you’ may surprise some, but life’s too short for compromise. July’s houseproud stars could turn you into a domestic goddess, while from August, you’ll be out and about. For couples, a midyear holiday might be just what the doctor ordered.
HEALTH: Being a Venusian-ruled sign, theatre, music and dancing are your magic elixirs, so crank up the volume or sign up for a few classes. If a health-related issue has been getting you down, the March 25 eclipse could mark a turning point. By winter, your newfound mojo will be clear to all!
Flower Essence Blends for Taurus
Evolve for helping you forge new paths and embracing thew new you!
Cleanse for healthier lifestyle energy
Focus to help with any skill updating
Gemini May 22 – June 22
YEAR AHEAD: Smile, things are swinging up. Responsibilities may feel heavy right now, but as Jupiter sashays into your sign in late-May, an air of optimism should grow. If you've been searching for excitement or stimulation, an inspiring holiday or study course might whet your appetite for more.
LOVE: Life's serious issues could get couples talking through late summer, but breakthroughs await (if the old fires need stoking, book an autumn getaway). April’s social stars should be a blast, especially for singles, while August’s high energy patterns could combine fitness with fun.
HEALTH: Searching for inner calm? Chilled out activities like swimming, gardening, meditation and yoga might hit the spot, but from winter, look out world. As Jupiter bursts onto your sign, faster paced pastimes might be more your style. You’re only as old as you feel … just be sure to warm up!
Flower Essence Blends for Gemini
Energy for those high energy patterns
Help for any feelings of heaviness and dealing with any serious issues
Peace for help finding more inner calm
Cancer June 22 - July 23
YEAR AHEAD: What an action-packed year! Your chart is brimming over with inspirational people and with opportunities. Balancing your need for rest and contemplation may prove tricky, but an autumn getaway should work wonders, along with creative pursuits like dancing, drawing or writing.
LOVE: There’s no hiding in your shell this year! Many Crabs will strengthen links to a club through autumn, and as your interests expand, fellow enthusiasts will draw you in. Fated new friendships are on the horizon, and ooh-la-la, as your social circle expands, so might your love life.
HEALTH: Eat, drink and be merry, then launch a health kick in mid-January. With Jupiter stimulating your social side, team sports or classes should suit nicely. Try new therapies through winter, then prepare for progress. Yes, spring might bring a full-scale overhaul. Circle September 4!
Flower Essence Blends for Cancer
Mojo because you are totally bringing it this year!
Energy to cope with all the action
Grounding to help you balance your need for rest with all that you do
Leo July 24 – August 23
YEAR AHEAD: Feeling optimistic? With Jupiter high in your chart, you should be. Promotions and prizes are up for grabs; you might even be thrown into the spotlight. As your friendship sector lights up from June, your phone should ring hot, not just with invitations, but with holiday or work-related offers.
LOVE: Been sweeping problems under the carpet? Talks through February should prove illuminating for many couples, but it’s all part of the more honest, ‘new you’. As a desire for deeper connections intensifies, singles may realise that they've been searching for the wrong person all along!
HEALTH: With Mars energising your sign, many Leos will hit the ground running. By autumn, a yearning for travel and adventure might propel you out of town, while winter’s socially-charged sky could turn you into a team player. And as that competitive streak surfaces, things could get serious.
Flower Essence Blends for Leo
Like A Boss because you'll need support balancing work with all those social offers!
Truth for helping with honesty and communicating
Manifest to help with those promotions and prizes around you
Virgo August 24 – September 23
YEAR AHEAD: It’s all about rejuvenation this year, of your body, mind and spirit. An autumn holiday might tick all the boxes, while for career-minded types, the spring eclipse could propel you into a more family-friendly job. If you’re feeling below par, new exercise regimes or eating patterns could work a treat.
LOVE: Feeling a tad bored? That restless streak need satisfying. Weekend expeditions, adventurous sports, twilight picnics; shaking up every-day routines should work wonders, and not just for couples. Singles could form links with a whole new crowd, so just do it!
HEALTH: Room for improvement? Try lunchtime classes or take your trainers to work, for by late-summer you'll be rearing to go. As Pluto piques your curiosity, more alternative therapies, like hypnosis, reiki and acupuncture could reel you in. Some Virgos may even consider formal studies.
Flower Essence Blends for Virgo
Evolve for all that levelling up
Cleanse for your health conscious directions
Intuition to help with all the options you may have to consider
Libra September 24 – October 23
YEAR AHEAD: Good things are heading your way, but it’s not random luck. Your past efforts are poised to reap rewards, not just financially, but on the health and family fronts too. Steps taken through spring could reshape your future, while for romantics, a winter holiday might rekindle old sparks.
LOVE: As your pleasure zone lights up, your closest relationships should blossom and flourish. For lovebirds, a shared interest might draw you closer together, while for singles, someone with foreign connections could keep things fun. Exotic locations might set the scene for romance!
HEALTH: Enjoy a few little indulgences, for by March your discipline will shift into top gear. New routines and therapies should leave you feeling fit and fabulous, while for more mature ladies, a makeover might wind back the years. With two eclipses in Libra, 2024 might prove to be ‘the year of the new you’.
Flower Essence Blends for Libra
Bliss as your sacral chakra is going to be lit up with all that incoming pleasure
Evolve for unveiling the new you
Self Love for increasing all those incoming love vibes where it matters most
Scorpio October 24 – November 22
YEAR AHEAD: Pondering the future? An uncertain situation should be resolved by March, so for now, enjoy some downtime and have a few laughs (concerts and comedy nights should be fun). By April, your fitness zone will be pumping, in fact, these disciplined stars could turn you into a champion.
LOVE: Let the love in! Jupiter is stimulating your social sector, creating the perfect buffer for your recent worries. Games and group activities should bring out your best, while for couples, a shared vision might reignite old sparks. An adorable child or fur-baby might feel like icing on the cake.
HEALTH: If your hectic social life is taking a toll, don’t panic: April’s health-focused sky should get you back on track. Book checkups or see specialists, then revisit a pastime you used to love. Dancing, bushwalking, it’s all good. From May, making positive lifestyle changes should be a cinch.
Flower Essence Blends for Scorpio
Protect because you need to better define your boundaries this year
Self Love to help let the love in
Grounding for times of uncertainty and worry
Sagittarius November 23 – December 22
YEAR AHEAD: Searching for peace? Not this year! Life looks busy, both at home and work, but amongst the craziness, there’s loads of fun. As you search for a better lifestyle, a move could get you dreaming. Along with a possible relocation, a clever business idea might hit your radar. Keep an open mind!
LOVE: Your social butterfly is poised to take flight. Old friends are coming out of the woodwork, and adding to the whirl, a local club or organisation could introduce you to a whole new crowd. Autumn might bring a flurry of activity: weddings, parties, work functions … just don’t overdo it.
HEALTH: Natural settings should sooth your soul, so grab your walking shoes (or your tent!). Summer’s nostalgic stars could send you back in time (snorkelling, anyone?), while from winter, ‘strong women live longer’ might become your favourite mantra. Start ticking off that bucket list!
Flower Essence Blends for Sagittarius
Slow Down so you don't overdo it!
Manifest to help you work on that bucket list
Peace because you can have peace amongst all the flurry of activities
Thanks so much again to Jenny Blume who provided us with the insight to our star signs for this year which helped me pick the flower essence blends that will best support you in 2023. If you'd like further info about Jenny and what she does, please check out jennyblume.com.au
Want any of the flower essence blends I've mentioned? You will get an automatic discount when ordering three or more blends! Please see the discount details and find all the flower essence blend descriptions here.
Hope you all have an amazing year filled with health, fun, love and (easy) lessons,
Alisha x
Flower Essence and Star Sign Guide for 2024
What do the stars have in store for you this year?
Well it's time for my flower essence and star sign blog so you can find out....
2024 is now the 7th year where I have collaborated with renowned astrologist, Jenny Blume, to give you the astrological forecast for the year as well as which flower essences will support your emotional health best in 2024.
As well as being an astrologist, Jenny is a Feng Shui and Clearing practitioner and if you have heard of her name before, she is also the astrologist for Woman's Day and New Idea magazines.
I love working with Jenny to work out what energetic support each star sign might need for the coming year and with all that can unfold in a year for ourselves and our kids, having some energetic support on hand to navigate our emotions can be pretty handy don't you think?
The Star Sign and Flower Essence Guide for 2024!
Please note that other flower essence blends might feel more suited to you than the ones I have included for your star sign so just use whatever you think is right for you.
These ones below that I have matched to your 2024 forecast are aimed to help with what the year has in store for you both energetically and emotionally. You can click on the blend name to read more about what it can do for you and if you get three or more blends you will benefit from the male your own value pack discount too. 😊
Capricorn December 23 – January 20
YEAR AHEAD: As your priorities shift, local clubs might reel you in, while for creative Goats, a budding interest could blossom into a passion. Mastering new skills or finessing talents should prove satisfying, while winter’s busy patterns might propel you into a leadership role. You’ve got so much to offer!
LOVE: Ooh-la-la! If your love life needs spicing up, hit the dance floor or try a few classes - for as your passion sphere lights up, you’ll be ready to rumba. By April, many singles will be spoiled for choice, while for couples, a winter getaway might propel their love to dazzling heights.
HEALTH: Fitness will be to be enjoyable this year, so think back to childhood. Dancing, swimming, cycling, trampolining … autumn’s indulgent stars could test your willpower, making exercise all-the-more important. Freeze up plenty of healthy meals, or launch a health kick after June 6!
Flower Essence Blends for Capricorn
Focus for mastering new skills and any leadership roles
Mojo for spicing up your love life
Cravings Control to help with your willpower
Aquarius January 21 – February 19
YEAR AHEAD: Let the overhaul begin… not just of your fitness, but your home and finances too. As a desire to reinvent yourself takes hold, some Aquarians might even consider a whole new career. As your creative juices flow from June, a new pastime might really hit the spot. Follow your heart!
LOVE: Fallen into a relationship rut? Make a few positive lifestyle changes, before the cosmos does it for you. Think shared walks, trivia nights, social sports… or be adventurous and get that adrenalin pumping. June’s chatty stars could expand your social circle – and your dating pool.
HEALTH: Circle February 13, for when Mars bursts into your sign, you'll be itching for bigger challenges. Team sports and outdoor challenges could feature through autumn, while winter’s lively patterns might turn you into a disco queen. An adventurous getaway might top things off nicely.
Flower Essence Blends for Aquarius
Evolve for that overhaul you'll be going through
Courage for making the changes needed and stepping out of comfort zones
Let it Go to release any old baggage for your reinvention...
Pisces February 20 – March 20
YEAR AHEAD: Start offloading a few responsibilities, then balance your work with plenty of fun and play. As your search for a healthier, more relaxed lifestyle steps up, there could even be a move on the horizon. If finances are creating headaches, it's time to firm up your foundations and revise long-term plans.
LOVE: As summer winds down, your social life will heat up. Much of the excitement could centre around a like-minded group or fun-loving couple, while for singles, your love for music could rekindle that happy-go-lucky side. Local clubs and organisations could add a fresh spring to your step.
HEALTH: Searching for stress relief? Social venues like gyms or sporting clubs should hit the spot, along with dance classes, choirs, or theatrical groups. If your batteries feel flat, organise a winter getaway or book a retreat with friends. Your energetic approach should lift and inspire others.
Flower Essence Blends for Pisces
Peace to help with stress relief
Slow Down because balancing work with downtime is essential
Energy for helping to uplift and inspire when your batteries feel flat
Aries March 21 - April 20
YEAR AHEAD: Jupiter is turning you into a powerhouse, but balancing your personal needs with work and family responsibilities is crucial. Regular getaways should replenish your spirits, along with group pursuits and outdoor challenges. By June, your inner adventurer will be craving action!
LOVE: As summer winds down, local sporting clubs and team pursuits might improve both your stamina and your social life. June’s cheeky, loved-up stars look like fun for everyone, while the October 3 eclipse might blast couples into an exciting, more united phase.
HEALTH: Life could get busy this year, but don’t let your health pay the price. Organise regular check ups, particularly through April, and invest in a bigger freezer for home-cooked meals. Mixing fun with fitness is the key to longevity, so join forces with people who make you laugh.
Flower Essence Blends for Aries
Like A Boss so you can juggle work, family and personal
Slow Down for when life gets a little too busy
Mojo because it sounds like you're going to need it 😉
Taurus April 21 - May 21
YEAR AHEAD: Uranus might still be shaking things up, but he’s prompting you to live your best life. Autumn could bring a golden opportunity, and by spring, you’ll be ready to forge new paths. But first, update your skills if need be, explore new living options or embrace a healthier lifestyle.
LOVE: Variety is the spice of life! The ‘new you’ may surprise some, but life’s too short for compromise. July’s houseproud stars could turn you into a domestic goddess, while from August, you’ll be out and about. For couples, a midyear holiday might be just what the doctor ordered.
HEALTH: Being a Venusian-ruled sign, theatre, music and dancing are your magic elixirs, so crank up the volume or sign up for a few classes. If a health-related issue has been getting you down, the March 25 eclipse could mark a turning point. By winter, your newfound mojo will be clear to all!
Flower Essence Blends for Taurus
Evolve for helping you forge new paths and embracing thew new you!
Cleanse for healthier lifestyle energy
Focus to help with any skill updating
Gemini May 22 – June 22
YEAR AHEAD: Smile, things are swinging up. Responsibilities may feel heavy right now, but as Jupiter sashays into your sign in late-May, an air of optimism should grow. If you've been searching for excitement or stimulation, an inspiring holiday or study course might whet your appetite for more.
LOVE: Life's serious issues could get couples talking through late summer, but breakthroughs await (if the old fires need stoking, book an autumn getaway). April’s social stars should be a blast, especially for singles, while August’s high energy patterns could combine fitness with fun.
HEALTH: Searching for inner calm? Chilled out activities like swimming, gardening, meditation and yoga might hit the spot, but from winter, look out world. As Jupiter bursts onto your sign, faster paced pastimes might be more your style. You’re only as old as you feel … just be sure to warm up!
Flower Essence Blends for Gemini
Energy for those high energy patterns
Help for any feelings of heaviness and dealing with any serious issues
Peace for help finding more inner calm
Cancer June 22 - July 23
YEAR AHEAD: What an action-packed year! Your chart is brimming over with inspirational people and with opportunities. Balancing your need for rest and contemplation may prove tricky, but an autumn getaway should work wonders, along with creative pursuits like dancing, drawing or writing.
LOVE: There’s no hiding in your shell this year! Many Crabs will strengthen links to a club through autumn, and as your interests expand, fellow enthusiasts will draw you in. Fated new friendships are on the horizon, and ooh-la-la, as your social circle expands, so might your love life.
HEALTH: Eat, drink and be merry, then launch a health kick in mid-January. With Jupiter stimulating your social side, team sports or classes should suit nicely. Try new therapies through winter, then prepare for progress. Yes, spring might bring a full-scale overhaul. Circle September 4!
Flower Essence Blends for Cancer
Mojo because you are totally bringing it this year!
Energy to cope with all the action
Grounding to help you balance your need for rest with all that you do
Leo July 24 – August 23
YEAR AHEAD: Feeling optimistic? With Jupiter high in your chart, you should be. Promotions and prizes are up for grabs; you might even be thrown into the spotlight. As your friendship sector lights up from June, your phone should ring hot, not just with invitations, but with holiday or work-related offers.
LOVE: Been sweeping problems under the carpet? Talks through February should prove illuminating for many couples, but it’s all part of the more honest, ‘new you’. As a desire for deeper connections intensifies, singles may realise that they've been searching for the wrong person all along!
HEALTH: With Mars energising your sign, many Leos will hit the ground running. By autumn, a yearning for travel and adventure might propel you out of town, while winter’s socially-charged sky could turn you into a team player. And as that competitive streak surfaces, things could get serious.
Flower Essence Blends for Leo
Like A Boss because you'll need support balancing work with all those social offers!
Truth for helping with honesty and communicating
Manifest to help with those promotions and prizes around you
Virgo August 24 – September 23
YEAR AHEAD: It’s all about rejuvenation this year, of your body, mind and spirit. An autumn holiday might tick all the boxes, while for career-minded types, the spring eclipse could propel you into a more family-friendly job. If you’re feeling below par, new exercise regimes or eating patterns could work a treat.
LOVE: Feeling a tad bored? That restless streak need satisfying. Weekend expeditions, adventurous sports, twilight picnics; shaking up every-day routines should work wonders, and not just for couples. Singles could form links with a whole new crowd, so just do it!
HEALTH: Room for improvement? Try lunchtime classes or take your trainers to work, for by late-summer you'll be rearing to go. As Pluto piques your curiosity, more alternative therapies, like hypnosis, reiki and acupuncture could reel you in. Some Virgos may even consider formal studies.
Flower Essence Blends for Virgo
Evolve for all that levelling up
Cleanse for your health conscious directions
Intuition to help with all the options you may have to consider
Libra September 24 – October 23
YEAR AHEAD: Good things are heading your way, but it’s not random luck. Your past efforts are poised to reap rewards, not just financially, but on the health and family fronts too. Steps taken through spring could reshape your future, while for romantics, a winter holiday might rekindle old sparks.
LOVE: As your pleasure zone lights up, your closest relationships should blossom and flourish. For lovebirds, a shared interest might draw you closer together, while for singles, someone with foreign connections could keep things fun. Exotic locations might set the scene for romance!
HEALTH: Enjoy a few little indulgences, for by March your discipline will shift into top gear. New routines and therapies should leave you feeling fit and fabulous, while for more mature ladies, a makeover might wind back the years. With two eclipses in Libra, 2024 might prove to be ‘the year of the new you’.
Flower Essence Blends for Libra
Bliss as your sacral chakra is going to be lit up with all that incoming pleasure
Evolve for unveiling the new you
Self Love for increasing all those incoming love vibes where it matters most
Scorpio October 24 – November 22
YEAR AHEAD: Pondering the future? An uncertain situation should be resolved by March, so for now, enjoy some downtime and have a few laughs (concerts and comedy nights should be fun). By April, your fitness zone will be pumping, in fact, these disciplined stars could turn you into a champion.
LOVE: Let the love in! Jupiter is stimulating your social sector, creating the perfect buffer for your recent worries. Games and group activities should bring out your best, while for couples, a shared vision might reignite old sparks. An adorable child or fur-baby might feel like icing on the cake.
HEALTH: If your hectic social life is taking a toll, don’t panic: April’s health-focused sky should get you back on track. Book checkups or see specialists, then revisit a pastime you used to love. Dancing, bushwalking, it’s all good. From May, making positive lifestyle changes should be a cinch.
Flower Essence Blends for Scorpio
Protect because you need to better define your boundaries this year
Self Love to help let the love in
Grounding for times of uncertainty and worry
Sagittarius November 23 – December 22
YEAR AHEAD: Searching for peace? Not this year! Life looks busy, both at home and work, but amongst the craziness, there’s loads of fun. As you search for a better lifestyle, a move could get you dreaming. Along with a possible relocation, a clever business idea might hit your radar. Keep an open mind!
LOVE: Your social butterfly is poised to take flight. Old friends are coming out of the woodwork, and adding to the whirl, a local club or organisation could introduce you to a whole new crowd. Autumn might bring a flurry of activity: weddings, parties, work functions … just don’t overdo it.
HEALTH: Natural settings should sooth your soul, so grab your walking shoes (or your tent!). Summer’s nostalgic stars could send you back in time (snorkelling, anyone?), while from winter, ‘strong women live longer’ might become your favourite mantra. Start ticking off that bucket list!
Flower Essence Blends for Sagittarius
Slow Down so you don't overdo it!
Manifest to help you work on that bucket list
Peace because you can have peace amongst all the flurry of activities
Thanks so much again to Jenny Blume who provided us with the insight to our star signs for this year which helped me pick the flower essence blends that will best support you in 2023. If you'd like further info about Jenny and what she does, please check out jennyblume.com.au
Want any of the flower essence blends I've mentioned? You will get an automatic discount when ordering three or more blends! Please see the discount details and find all the flower essence blend descriptions here.
Hope you all have an amazing year filled with health, fun, love and (easy) lessons,
Alisha x