Peace Flower Essence

Peace Flower Essence

Heart Chakra
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Peace - Heart Chakra - Anahata

"I give and receive love unconditionally. I am loved."

Helps create openness, trust, love, joy and inner peace. When this chakra is in balance we are able to communicate with others intuitively through the heart. Ability to forgive, understanding that we are all in this together. Peace blend helps work on compassion for ourselves and others. Take this blend and feel the warmth of peace settling in your heart.

Emotional State: Heartbroken, Bitter, Confused, Grief, Closed off, Unloved

Positive Outcome: Peaceful, Happy, Calm, Open, Trusting, Loving

Children form this chakra from ages 4 to 7 Modelling Relationships, Empathy and Moral Behaviour.

Dosage for ages 2 and up - 7 drops twice daily and/or as needed. Blends can also be used in beverages and drink bottles (7 drops still) and you can use 20 drops per full sized bath for an auric cleanse (cleansing your outer energy layers, similar therapy as using our room and body mists)

Please store blends away from direct light and heat (can even go in the fridge in the Summer!) and try not to let the dropper come in contact with saliva to help keep your blends at their best!

Vibrational infusion of water and flowers: Donkey Orchid, Purple Nymph Waterlily, Violet Butterfly, Snake Bush, Rose Cone Flower, Purple Eremophila, Pixie Mops, Australian neutral cane ethanol (trace amount as preservative).

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Bronwyn Burns

A strategically-chosen addition to my essences collection for times when my sense of peace needs a little extra help. There is a genuine feeling of support, self-care and general wellbeing gained through using these essences. Thank you.


I love the smell, I'm not sure tho its helping , my son takes it with sweet dreams for bed

Maxine Rose
Noticeable effects

A loved one has been using this blend and I've noticed how they're more peaceful when they do. There's just some kind of "chill energy" to them when they take it regularly and their compassion in our communication has definitely changed for the better. Thanks NNM for another wonderful blend!


Chill energy, compassion and communication are wonderful outcomes and we're delighted to hear that your loved one has been able to benefit from the Peace blend in these ways!

NNM Team xx

Sarah Larcombe

I use a multiple range of NNM essence and have done so for over two years. I am four weeks postpartum with a 10 year old and 14 year old, I was overwhelmed with how we as a family would transition into a family of five and what that looks like, being there for our children plus nourishing and taking care of a newborn. I must say 'Peace' is my first Chakra blend and dare I say this may be my most favourite blend I have used this far. I felt the support of this blend instantly and have experienced the most amazing impact. I feel so calm with juggling our new life. The most noticeable differences have been in my reactivity, negative mindset, overwhelm and the ability to sit with my emotions, and most of all my daughter's emotions. I don't feel reactive to my daughter's choices as an adolescent, I feel as though I am emotionally available. I am noticing a huge change in my level of patience and need to control. My past postpartum journey was not shy of heightened emotions, with the journey it has brought calmness and wholeness, which I can 100% say 'Peace' has contributed immensely to this. Honestly, this blend is next level and recommend especially for mamas. Thank you for this incredible magic ✨

Sarah, congratulations on the newest member of your family! We're delighted to hear that the Peace blend has had such a profound impact on you as you navigate this little one's entry into your life xx

Danielle T.
Simply love this blend!

I've been taking this blend for almost 2 weeks now and I can honestly say it started working from day 1. My spirit and heart was so ready for this. I highly recommend for anyone truly seeking harmony and peace. I will be reordering and looking forward to trying the other chakra blends when the time is right. Thank you Naughty Naturopath Mum. . . .p.s sent links to my husband for Christmas prezzie ideas hahah.

Hi Danielle,

This is just sooo fabulous to hear & we love the sneaky suggestion to your husband for Christmas hehe!!! Our spirits and hearts are soaring from hearing of your journey with the Peace blend - thank you.

NNM Team x

Heart Felt

I feel that this blend helps to make me feel much more relaxed like I have no worries or the ones I have don't seem as important. I have felt a few issues come up but have been able to just let the thoughts be. I love all the blends I am taking. Sweet dreams and Slow down as well. I feel much more centered and I am absolutely loving the fact that I actually sleep now. I have bought some sleep drop for my father in law and recommended them to a friend. Iam Very Happy, many thanks.

Hi Liv, thank you so much for taking the time to review the Peace blend. It sounds like this blend has certainly brought much peace and calm to your world, along with Slow Down & Sweet Dreams. What a fabulous combo. xx

Jacqueline Richardson
Peace at Heart

My Partner & I are using a few different blends & we absolutely love them.
He is using Let it go & Peace, while I am using Let it go & Female blends.
We also have Help for big dramas in our life & thankfully we haven’t had the need to use it yet.
I cannot put into words how much these Flower Essences have changed our life & our world.

Over the past few years we have had some devastating losses & events in our lives which has without a doubt pulled us in all directions…to the point of almost tearing us apart (& suicidal thoughts).

They have completely changed not only our lives but who we are as people.
We now see in each other as the person we used to be before life turned us upside down.

We have more patience, understanding, thoughtfulness, care, respect, love & affection for each other & we really listen to what the other one is saying & respects each other’s views & opinions.

We are so much kinder to each other & we both love it.
Our issue wasn’t that we didn’t love each other or care….sadly we’d lost the energy to keep going because of what life threw at us.

We now have this amazing, beautiful connection & even more so, we now know how to deal with the losses & the demons in our life.
We are in a wonderful place right now…

Thank you so much for all your help, advice & support.
I cannot tell you how much you have saved us & how much we appreciate it!

Forever Grateful
Jacqueline ❤️

Hi Jacqueline,

Our whole team has been uplifted by your story and your flower essence journey. We are just so grateful that you shared so openly what the subtle power of flower essences has been able to do for you and your husband in your life. You're both amazing! May your onward journey be filled with love, laughter and joy! x